Events |
The SCD community is spread around the globe! When we are
not on the listserve, we love to
meet, to share stories, recipes, tips, and more.
free to contact the webmasters to suggest
an SCD event listing, local support group, conference,
link, etc.

SCD Events, 2007-8 |
Health Seminar
1, 2008 at the Torah VYirah Hall in Brooklyn, NY:
Raman Prasad and Raquel Nieves, MD will share their experience
with IBD and the SCD. Hundreds of people are expected to attend.
Cooking Workshops
11 to 18, 2007 at the Ocean Club Spa in North Carolina:
Jenny Lass will conduct an SCD-friendly workshop will teach
you how to set up a healthy kitchen, how to make delicious
lactose- and gluten-free dishes, how to adapt your favourite
recipes to suit your dietary needs, and how to eat healthy
on the go.
5 to 12, 2007 at Pura Vida USA in Georgia: Jenny Bager
and holistic nutritionist Beth Golden will conduct another
SCD-friendly workshop.
"SCD Friends" Support Group (ongoing)
Kay Stence heads up an SCD Support Group in Austin, TX. The
group has been active since 2000. Meet every 3rd Thursday
evening at 7:00pm
Contact: Kay Stence, 5604 Southwest Pkwy. #3113, Austin, TX
78735512-442-4008 Email: kstence at marykay dot com. Web:
Gottschall Center Autism Fundraising Gala
Friday, September 7th, in Westport, Massachusetts. An
evening of food, fun, and music with Loretta LaRoche, Livingston
Taylor, and friends. Proceeds to benefit children and adults
with autism. More information at

SCD Events, 2004 |
"The Gut, Brain, Diet Connection", Pittsburgh, Oct.
16, 2004, 7PM
Mrs. Gottschall will speak about "The Gut, Brain, Diet
Connection -The Specific Carbohydrate Diet" at the
Magee-Women's Hospital Auditorium. Registration Limited To
The First 100 People. Cost: $20 per person; $35 per couple;
$10 persons with ASD; Optional DVD of Presentation $15. Phone:
See all
of Elaine's upcoming public appearances and engagements on
her web
in Rome, Georgia: September 17, 2004 1PM.
John Chalmers from Indiana will talk about the SCD at Purple
Mountain Natural Health Foods, 1005 Turner McCall Blvd, Rome,
Georgia; 706.232.2706.
Canada Foundation Biomedical Treatments for Autism, St. Michaels
College, University of Toronto, July 24, 2004 9:30-11:45am
Mrs. Gottschall clearly explains, through the use of microscopic
photos of the Gut, the cycle of events occuring in the intestine
of those with chronic gastrointestinal problems and how the
presence of byproducts of digestion can potentially cause
autistic behaviours. Visit
for more information about this event.
Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, May 27 - 30, 2004
Elaine Gottschall was one of a dozen medical experts who discussed
diet as a alternative therapy in the treatment of autism.
For more information at
More information about the SCD and autism is available in
our Research
SCD Group Meets Monthly (ongoing)!
Bob, Yvonne, Zoe, Tim, and Josie meet in monthly in Birmingham.
For more information, contact them via:

SCD Events, 2003 |
SCD Conference, Falmouth, MA, Sept. 26, 2003, 9:30am - 400pm
at the Sea Crest Hotel
how to expand your child's choices of tasty, healthful, easily
digested, and health -promoting foods that actually are a
major tool in HEALING the highly compromised GI function that
is essentially integral to ASD.
Conference location: Sea Crest Resort in Falmouth MA Call
508-540-9400 for hotel accommodations limited rooms available!
To register, send $100.00 conference fee to Hopewell Associates,
Inc., PO Box 1747, Mattapoisett, MA 02739, 508-758-3266 email
Conference and the SCD, Portland Oct 3-5, 2003
Specific Carbohydrate Diet has a display table at the upcoming
Defeat Autism Now! Conference in Portland Oregon! The DAN!
The Conference will be held on October 3, 4 & 5. The SCD
booth will be selling copies of BTVC, answering questions,
and generally getting the word out. More information available
from Catherine on the "Elaine's
Children" list.
SCD Support Group (ongoing)
Kay Stence heads up an SCD Support Group in Austin, TX. The
group has been active for more than 2 years. Contact Kay via
email: kstence at marykay dot com.
Valentine's Day, Dr. Haas!
Every February 14th
we are reminded of the very special doctor, Dr. Sydney Valentine
Haas. He was the doctor who saved Elaine and her daughter,
who created the SCD. Elaine went on to research this SCD,
publishing her own books and now helping us each day online
in the SCD lists!
Intestinal Health Support Group Meets Monthly (ongoing)
Ten Tucson people (and one from Phoenix) meet on Saturday
afternoons the third Saturday of each month to discuss intestinal
health issues, raising our own awareness and that of others,
and more! More info... >
SCD Group Meets Monthly (ongoing)!
Bob, Yvonne, Zoe, Tim, and Josie meet in monthly in Birmingham.
For more information, contact them via:

SCD Events, 2002 |
Elaine's UK visit on May 21st!
Elaine "adventured across the pond" to visit
our UK SCD friends. For complete information regarding events,
contact Bob or Elaine via the SCD listserve.
in Tucson Arizona, Jan. 4-6, 2002
Thirty people started 2002 on the right foot by attending
the Conference on Intestinal Health Through Diet. The conference
explored the wonderful results people have acheived by making
changes in their diet. There were panel discussions, workshops,
cooking lessons, and more! Photos
and more...>

SCD Events, 2001 |
SCD: "Zoe's Christmas Party", Dec. 1, 2001
Suffolk, England on Dec. 1, 2001. Celebrate the holidays
in style and good health with the UK Yoghurt Slappers! Attend
the party after their usual get together. People are welcome
to stay at the local bed & breakfast, as the location
is quite rural. For more information, email Josie
or Bob.
Gottschall in New York City!
October, 2001; Elaine met with IBD and IBS patients, gave
presentations about intestinal health through diet, hosted
a book signing @ Barnes & Noble, attended a SCD brunch,
and more. See photo...>
Gottschall visits the Upper Canada Lower Bowel Society!
August, 2001; a wonderful time was had by all! Read
August, 2001; co-editor Mike Simons visited Raman
Prassad's SCD kitchen in Brooklyn (home of!