Listen to the radio show with Lucy Rosset |
Listen with 28.8 modem (low quality):
- Part 1
(19 minutes)

- Part 2
(17 minutes)

Listen with 56.6 modem or faster connection
(high quality):
- Part 1
(19 minutes)

- Part 2
(17 minutes)

Health Talk |
'Healthtalk' can be heard on weeknights in New York on WOR
(710 AM) from 9:00 to 10:00 pm, Saturdays noon to 2:00 pm.
Dr. Hoffman's
website contains useful health information. Dr. Ronald Hoffman
is Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City and the
author of several books, including Intelligent Medicine (Fireside,
Other SCD-friendly doctors |
There are many M.D.'s that are aware of and open-minded to
"alternative" treatments of IBD and IBS. They are fully
aware of the benefits and drawbacks of treatments including the SCD,
surgery, and drugs. SCDiet.org maintains a complete list of SCD-friendly
Mike Simons discusses the SCD on NPR's "The Connection" |
Mike Simons tracks his daily SCD munchings on a web page
called Flog,
short for Food Log. Mike appeared on
WBUR/NPR's "The Connection". Mike was the guy they're
kidded about when they refered to "the guy who writes about
what he eats for lunch every day."