Other online resources
Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) links:
(note: this is a page from
the SCD listserve archives. Current
links to other web sites can be found via the SCDiet.org homepage
and going to the Resources section.
Author Elaine Gottschall
can be reached via her web site at: http://breakingtheviciouscycle.info
One of our mailinglist members,
John Chalmers, has set up a web site that is devoted to the book:
Breaking the vicious cycle - Intestinal
health through diet - the book about the Specific Carbohydrate
Diet. (http://www.scdiet.com). The site includes Chapter 1 of the
book. A letter from John about the site is placed here.
Mike Simons has created
a brilliant SCD web site
in Tucson, Arizona, celebrating the completion of his third healthy
year on the SCD
Keith Wilkinson has
designed a website for SCD recipes at http://www.carnivaldogs.com/keith/scd
- easy to use!
Renee Zobkiw also
created a SCD web site, Yogurt24
- unfortunately it has been closed down ...for who knows how long?
You can read and search
in the letters of SCD mailing list at the web database of Maelstrom.StJohns.Edu:
Also, you can obtain the archived letters at Maelstrom.StJohns.Edu by
sending a query to the listserver.
Two general discussions
that include sections on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet are:
Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and
Bowel Disease Update, by Ronald Hoffman, Medical Director
of the Hoffman Center in New York City.
Read this, it is informative!
The I.B.Details ©
newsletter had two articles on the diet. In the issues of spring
1995 and winter
The Health Action Network
Society has a 1 hour video which you can buy of Elaine
Gottschall speaking at Health Action 1992.
Dr. Ronald Hoffman's
Daniel Wood's site
Crohn's-Colitis site
with a message board where the SCD is discussed quite a bit
- Another very useful source
of information is the IBDList. To subscribe to it, you send
an e-mail to : ibdlist@menno.com (IBD Mailing List) and put
the word "subscribe" in the subject.
About once a week, they send out a 20,000 byte or so large e-mail
that is like a bulletin board, where people post information and questions
and answer or comment on previous postings.
Back issues are available from ibdlist-request@menno.com. To retreive
a back issue, send an e-mail message to ibdlist-request@menno.com
and in the body put a line that reads get ibdlist.v*n* where
v* is the volume number and n* is the issue number in that volume.
An example would be ibdlist.v8n23.
A list of files in the archives can be obtained by putting the word
'index' as the body of your message.
Back issues are also available via the web by pointing your browser
to or
by anonymous FTP to the same address.
- If you find Wolfgang
Lutz's theories intesting, you will also find the Paleodiet
list-server group really interesting.
There's been a continual discussion about the absence of grains in
the early Man's diet. Read a letter from the list here.

IBD links...
- start with these:
- There's a real good web
site called CD/UC Home Page (http://qurlyjoe.bu.edu/cduchome.html)
which has much information and also links pretty much all the other
sites that you'll find on IBD and IBS on the net. Here you will also
find an answer to the most frequently
asked questions about IBD
- The
Olde Crohn is a brilliant electronic magazine about IBS -
which unfortunately seems to have closed down the production. The
website is still there, though. (They've moved to http://www.freelaunch.com/crohn/)
- I.B.Details
© Home Page - another electronic magazine on IBS which
unfortunately stopped in 1995. However, their old issues still offer
some interesting reading.
- Sheila
Shea's Intestinal Health and Colon Hydrotherapy home page
- a site that offers information, newsletters, and late breaking news
in the fields of intestinal health and colon hydrotherapy. Sheila
Shea's goal is education and prevention.
Tales - Read
the personal stories of irritable bowel syndrome sufferers and share
your own experiences.
- An article
on therapy for IBD at Dr. Ronald Hoffmann's website (the
man who wrote the preface in "Breaking The Vicious Cycle"

- NutriBase
is an interactive on-line database of more than 19,000 food items
and their associated nutrient values (primarily USDA SR10 data). Food
items that you can view, rank, query and search by food names.
- If you find Wolfgang
Lutz's theories intesting, you should visit Raymond Audette's
web site of "NeanderThin" - A Cave Man's Guide to Nutrition:
To touch bases with him: In his latest comments he talks about how
he cured himself of diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, and how other
people who've tried the diet have (among other illnesses) cured themselves
of colitis.
Raymond Audette is an author, living in Texas.
Also, check the long list of links at The
Paleolithic Diet Page
- "Low Carbohydrate
Diets Information Center":
contains information regarding low carbohydrate diets
- The USDA has a Nutrient
Database at the following location. You can search on different food
items and get a report of the amount of nutrients it contains. It
also includes carbs, fat, fiber, etc.:

IBD link suggestions:
- 16 pages with lots of
info about colitis og crohns - with the somewhat misleading title
"How to Choose
a Doctor"...:
- If you want to check the
facts, get in touch with Eric Brandt, a pharmacist Dietmar
e-met who ALSO has colitis ... he has a website, and has agreed to
field any questions from SCD members on pharmaceuticals:
- More info about Crohns:
- What have the scientists
found out about Diet and IBD? Visit Healthgate
- and make a search for (for instance) Colitis
+Diet in the MedLine database. MedLine
has numerous solid articles on health and medicine, etc, - a fully
searchable database with complete Medline back to 1966.
... and so on. There is just so much of it out there!
By the way, concerning medical
information, did you read this
Or try http://arxc.com/arxchome.htm - a directory
with lots of info on alternative medicine PLUS go to Health Hotline
- latest info. re drugs co's push to limit availability worldwide of
vitamins and natural medicines.
OR bypass alternative health
directory and go straight to Health Hotline site:
Chinese herbs and medicine:
To SCD Web Library start
updated March 4, 2004