Letters from the SCD support group:
concerning camping & vacations
Thu, 15 May 1997 16:38:41 GMT
Hi Everybody,
My husband has been on the diet for about seven weeks. He feels better than
he has felt in years. The diet has been a miracle for us! We are thinking
about going on vacation this summer but we are unsure about what to do
about the diet. We have not been out to eat since starting the diet. We
don't want to chance eating something that will cause problems. I would
appreciate suggestions from anyone who has vacationed while on the diet
how they handled it. Is it possible to stay on the diet while on vacation
or should he not follow the diet while on vacation. We are thinking about
not taking a vacation because of the diet which seems kind of silly. I
would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
Becky Smith

Re: Vacations
Thu, 15 May 1997 17:06:02 GMT
Hi Becky,
It is tough to go on vacation while on the diet, but it can be done. I
did a month ago. Had a few reactions do to probably mystery ingredients
in foods, but all in all, it was fine. If you can really be assertive
and talk to the waiters and waitresses, it really helps. Explain your
situation. In restaurants, I tend to eat eggs, leave the toast and
potatoes on the plate, ask for a side of fruit. Also, green salads (if
they are tolerated, of course) with plain oil and vinegar on the side.
Dinners I get broiled or grilled chicken or fish with no additives
except butter and salt and pepper. Skip the starchy side dish and ask
for an extra side of vegetables with no potatoes, or salad. I have
found that I can eat most caesar salads, which can be pretty filling as
well. Sometimes I've ordered two. Drink only water, week coffee and tea
(i.e,, don't trust the juices). Buy extra stuff that your husband can
eat at the grocery store and keep in on hand or in your hotel room for
I found that I was hungry all the time while on vacation, but it can be
done. It also can get expensive ordering all those side dishes! :)
But I was only on the diet for about a month when I went on vacation,
and I did fine. Hope you have a great trip!
Davis, CA

Re: Vacations
Thu, 15 May 1997 17:28:27 GMT
When I went on vacation last year I took some food with me to keep me from
getting too hungry and cheating on my diet. I brought unsweetened banana
peanuts and some fruit. I also brought some nut bread, but unfortunately
didn't keep much longer than a few days.
As for restaurants, I think that Anna's suggestions covered my own ideas
Take care,
Tina (Ontario, Canada)

Re: Vacations
Thu, 15 May 1997 18:54:16 GMT
One great way to take a vacation is to go somewhere and rent a house,
like a beach or mountain house, where you can still shop and do your own
cooking. Some B&B's will accomodate you if you call and clear it in
advance. Fish and steak houses are your best bet for restaurants, as you
can usually get fish/steak, along with steamed veggies and salad with
legal dressings (vinegarette,etc..) Go for it!
Matthew Cirillo

Fri, 16 May 1997 16:20:50 GMT
Has anyone out there gone camping with this disease. I'm not worried about
diet aspect, as I can bring my own foods. What I'm wondering about is the
bathroom aspect. If we go to the woods where there are no facilities, what
will it be like if I get diarreah? Do you bring a shovel and dig a hole
to go
in, or what? I know this sounds like a weird question, but who else can
ask!? Should I take something to prevent the possibility, like Immodium?
never taken it before and wonder if it causes constipation also.

Re: Camping
Fri, 16 May 1997 16:40:50 GMT
Hi Anna,
Regarding camping, I think digging a hole in the woods be an excellent
solution if there are no facilities. I mean, when you gotta go, you
gotta go. A tips: go facing down hill or you may discover that even the
slightest incline will work against you! Also, camping in a nice
campground with good toilet availability, and then sticking close to
camp can still provide an enjoyable camping experience.
Best wishes,
Davis, CA

Re: Camping
Fri, 16 May 1997 17:04:31 GMT
I've been camping, both in places that had bathrooms, and also in the
wilderness. If you go the route of an established campground, try to
arrange for a site close to the restrooms. This is generally easy, given
that there's more activity there than around the more remote sites (and
often lights that stay on all night). If you are going the wilderness
route, then you needn't worry, and you probably should bring a shovel to
dig a latrine, or you can "bury it" with some dirt and leaves,
a good
distance from your tent! I found that camping whilst symptomatic wasn't
too comfortable, as I tend to be overly sensitized to temperature and the
hard, cold ground. Look for a nice pine grove where there will be lots of
cushy pine needles that you can use as cushioning under your tent. Stay
away from hot dogs and marshmallows!

SCD: In the Woods
Fri, 16 May 1997 18:21:32 GMT
Anna asks about camping. We have half ownership with another family
of a remote cabin in PA. Throughout my worst times I tried not to
let UC get the better of me. I always kept a few sheets of paper
toweling in my pocket and took a couple of Immodium a few hours before
going walking. I always get good results from Immodium, taken as per
the box - two to start and one later as needed. This also works for
going to say, a movie or a picnic. Just take two about 2-4 hours
before leaving. Concerning the need for a shovel, I don't think most
soils are hard enough to require one. Just kick a small hole with
your boot heel!

Re: Camping
Fri, 16 May 1997 20:30:02 GMT
Well, I think I can take this one... D on the trail is inconvenient, but
not really more inconvenient than the problems everyone has on the trail.
You just have to do like you do in the other forums of your life and keep
an eye open for bathroom opportunities. I recommend getting yourself a
book about low-impact camping from your library, which will include rules
about latrines. Now, you can just bring a trowel and some TP and keep 'em
someplace where you can get at them easily, but in some parks/trails, you
have to pack out what you bring in. EVERYTHING you bring in. In that
case, may I recommend putting those ziplock bags that you bring your food
in to good use by "recycling them"?
As far as digging latrines, you want to stay far away from potable water,
and the trail, and from places where people can see you, obviously. just
dig a small hole, do your duty, then fill the hole back in carefully.
Make sure your TP is fully degradable (get it at a camping supply place!)
or be prepared to pack out wads of TP, cause you can't leave it. Quick
release clips on your pack are of tremendous help here, for obvious
Good luck, and enjoy yourself!

Re: Camping
Fri, 16 May 1997 20:36:15 GMT
I haven't braved overnight camping yet (but I miss it and
hope to try soon), but I have gone on day hikes where
bathrooms were not available. I would suggest making up a
fanny pack (a portable bathroom of sorts) with paper,
plastic baggies (in case you have to pack anything out) and
maybe even some baby towelettes; this makes things handy in
case you have to dash. Sometimes it's wise to wear elastic
waist pants rather than ones that zip. I would also suggest
you make every effort to dig a hole so you can bury
whatever, just as a courtesy to other campers who may come
through later. This can be done ahead of time in a site
agreed upon by all the other campers. Also try to make your
"bathroom" as far away as possible from any bodies of water.
Hope this helps!
San Diego, CA

Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 11:00:07 -0500
From: Renee Zobkiw <rz@TRIPLESOFT.COM>
Subject: Travel Tips for Yogurt
Hey fellow SCDers,
Worried about a vacation weekend away from the comforts of your
refrigerator and yogurt maker? I know I was. I just got back from a
travel weekend and here is how I found success in traveling with homemade
yogurt and other SCD items:
- I used a small plastic cooler (a bit larger than the size of a six-pack
of sodas, and a bit taller.)
- I put homemade yogurt into small yogurt containers (which I kept from
store-bought commercial yogurt.)
- I filled a large zip-lock bag with ice cubes and placed it in the
bottom of the cooler.
- I stacked the yogurt containers on top of the ice.
- I placed a zip-lock bag containing SCD muffins on top of the yogurt
containers, then closed the cooler.
I traveled ten hours (by car), and the yogurt stayed nice and cold! I
imagine you could also take a small cooler like this on most airlines.
Hope this helps someone. Any other travel tips out there? If so, please
share them.

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 19:27:03 -0400
From: "Serge, Luba" <lserge@odyssee.net>
To: SCD-list@longisland.com
Subject: SCD & travel, camping
To all,
Just a quick note about SCD & being able to continue life. We just came
back from a camping vacation with our 8 year old daughter who has been on
the SCD for 4 months or so. It can be done! The greatest problem seemed to
be 'lumpies' (ie smoothies without a blender - not quite as palatable). We
had to do a few restaurant meals & the minute people are told it is a
matter of 'allergies' they are extremely co-operative - more than willing
to look at ingredients & bend the menu to accomodate the diet.
Although there had been a discussion on travel & eating out in this list a
few months ago, I was still a bit worried about the reality of eating out.
It worked out fine. (I have to say that we kept away from the ubiquitous
fast food/multinational food corporations, assuming that the smaller,
local restaurants would be more accomodating, (I won't get into the
politics of the other places) & I think we were right to go that route).
So I guess the message for all new persons who are worried about life &
'the diet' - they do go together.
PS I have been more than interested in the discussion on AS - can it happen
in children? We cut our vacation early because she was having pain in her
hips. Currently going through a multitude of tests. (Oh bless Canadian

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 00:02:55 -0400
From: Liz Lutz <llutz@ica.net>
To: "'SCD-list@longisland.com'" <SCD-list@longisland.com>
Subject: RE: A Physical Organic Chemist's Positive Experience w/ the SCD
A) What do I do about yoghurt when I travel? I really am enjoying the yoghurt
and believe that it has contributed substantially to the clearing of the
cystic acne. I tried pills with acidophilus, etc...but they broke me out
really, bad. I travel alot and this could be a problem. Anybody have
anything to say about White Mountain Yoghurt? I haven't made my own yet.
I travelled this summer by car for a week. I made a large batch of
yogurt before my trip, packed it in plastic tubs and kept it in a cooler
in the trunk for the duration of the trip. I also bought a stock of
DCCC to take along in case I couldn't find any on the way. When I
travel by plane I pack my yogurt in an insulated carry on bag. When I
arrive at the destination, I put it in the fridge, most hotel rooms
have bar fridges. I had no problem with spoilage. Hope this helps.

From: ruth[SMTP:callahan@webspan.net]
Sent: 03 October 1998 14:41
To: scd-list@longisland.com
Subject: internationl travel
I'm dreaming of going this Spring on a cross-country horseback riding
vacation to Ireland.
We would horseback ride daily through the country side from Inn to Inn
where we would be sleeping. Lunch will be provided for us on the trail
by the tour leader. I would be going with my daughter and a group of 20
friends, kids and adults that all know each other (most know about my
colitis and how i eat SCD). Am I crazy to think I can do such a trip
in a remote part of the countryside ?
Has anyone traveled internationally with prepared food? Can you bring
cooked muffins, yogurt and nuts through customs ??
Am I crazy to think I could manage the meals at the Bed and breakfast
Inns? Does anyone know if they cook everything stewed with potatoes in
Ireland. Is plain roast meats readily available at Inns? How could I
manage the picnic lunches on the trail if I couldn't bring my own food?
I realize i have to get some answers directly from the tour person, what
other things should I think of to ask? Any suggestions would be very
helpful. Just thinking about going is churning my stomach with
excitement. I hope i don't get D from this excitement :o
U colitis

Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 10:28:19 +-100
From: Stuart Firth <stuart.firth@btinternet.com>
To: "'SCD-list@longisland.com'" <SCD-list@longisland.com>
Subject: RE: internationl travel
I travel regualrly around Europe on work and there is no problem
bringing made up cookies, nuts and cakes into countries like Ireland.
About your only restriction is plant seeds - so unless you've developed
a sudden craving for chewing on maple tree seeds, then you're OK!
Most Inns in the UK and Ireland have simple fare - meat, veg and
potatoes. Many will now also do salads. Most meat is plain (roasted or
grilled) but you need to watch out for the sausages as most will have
rusk or modified starch as a constiuent. If you take enough cookies and
cakes for snakcs then I think you'll find it fine.
Now, not being able to drink Guinness is another story.......
Stuart (UK)

Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 10:31:28 -0700
From: "Linda Schaaf" <lschaaf@baxglobal.com>
To: SCD-list@longisland.com
Subject: Re: international travel
That sounds like a wonderful vacation! I love horse back riding but haven't
been in years. I used to own an Arab.
(3/4 Arabian, 1/4 Saddlebred). The woman I bought her from owned several
Arabs and bred them. I used to help her show them. I live in an equestrian
neighborhood of Southern California and have been toying with the idea of
taking some riding lessons to get 'back in the saddle'. I prefer English to
Western riding.
Anyway on to your questions. I went to New Zealand in January and I baked a
batch of zucchini muffins and took them with me. I had absolutely no
problem with customs. In February I traveled to Scotland and the
Netherlands and again took my homemade muffins with no problems getting
through customs. It seems that prepared foods are not nearly as controlled
as fresh foods, i.e. fruit and meats.
I also had to eat out a lot while traveling and sometimes it was difficult,
but most times I was able to either find something on the menu or make a
special request on a menu item, such as no seasoning (in case they use
season salt), no sauces, etc. Fish was usually a safe choice.
My husband and I stayed at a bed and breakfast in Santa Barbara over our
anniversary weekend. I didn't say anything about my diet to the owner of
the B&B so at breakfast I was disappointed when all they were serving was
carbs, pancakes, cereal, etc. They served a bowl of strawberries, but that
would not give me any protein to burn, so they hard boiled a couple of eggs
for me. How can people survive on total carbohydrates for breakfast??? The
proprietor told me that she would have made me a special breakfast had I
told her the evening before. I learned my lesson.
I might suggest, since you have several months before the trip find out
exactly which Inns you will stay at and call them to inquire about their
menus. I find that most places are willing to make something special if
they know in advance.
It does sound like and exciting trip. I hope you get to go. Maybe you could
post some pictures of the trip when you return.

Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 14:29:41, -0500
From: DCournoyer@prodigy.com (MR DAVE COURNOYER)
To: scd-list@longisland.com
Subject: international travel
I've been to Ireland and though it's there in myth, I don't remember
eating a lot of potatoes. :) Breakfast is oatmeal, Irish soda bread,
bacon (I don't know if it has sugar or starch in it but it's the best
bacon in the world), eggs and at least one time, we had grapefruit.
This is a typical breakfast so at least eggs, probably bacon and
grapefruit are safe. Dinner was terribly boring with food that needed
seasoning. I don't think it would be difficult to find roast beef, etc.
Irish food is supposed to be undergoing great change, like in America
where people are interested in new foods. I believe they are supposed
to have great cheese and fresh produce and those should be good in the
Spring. If you know the names of the inns before you go, and it sounds
like you will, I'd simply write them and tell them about your special
diet. If they're simple mom and pop places, tell them you don't want
special treatment, just simple meat and vegetables. Might be bland but
safe. :) If they are the fancier inns, there shouldn't be any problems
with the chef providing you with what you need.
(UC and Lyme Disease)
P.S. It's going to rain and rain and rain in the Spring. It isn't 40
shades of green for nothing. But it is so beautiful. See, I'm rambling
on and on. Can you tell I've kissed the Blarney Stone? - for non-Irish,
it's supposed to "give the gift of gab."
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