Letters from the SCD support group:
Carl W. Tuttle: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Dear Mik,
This letter is a follow-up to a previous letter that I sent to you
in the "Letters From the
Mailing List" 1997 #16 Gottschall's Diet. I have attached
emails sent to doctors, professors
and individuals involved with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which I believe
to be interrelated to
intestinal dysbiosis and similar bacterial microbes causing
bowel disorders.
Fortunately for me I was introduced to a potent probiotic which
Elaine's diet.
A lifetime of loose and frequent stools has been totally eliminated.
The beneficial bacteria
introduced to the intestinal environment are synthesizing the vitamins
and minerals that I previously
wasn't absorbing. My energy level continues to improve and I am now
on a treadmill thirty minutes
every morning. The color has returned to my skin.
If you or anyone reading this letter would like a doctors
for what I have experienced
please email me at: ctfutures@aol.com and I
send you an audio tape by Dr.James T. Reese
with a professional viewpiont of this probiotic. I have sent
a copy to Elaine Gottschall.
What I had to go through to get to this point is as follows:

[Carl Tuttle] Dear Tim,
I thought I would keep you in the loop.This is a recent letter
sent to a friend who has CFS.
Im doing great!
Jan 6, 1998
I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in May of 96. Not
waiting for someone
to find a cure for this illness I embarked on a one year
project on my own to
get to the root of the problem.
What I have uncovered is as follows:
All of my symptoms were a result of an intestinal bacteria.
-This bacteria feeds on carbohydrates and starches and
any sugar whatsoever including fruits
-Prescription antibiotics while effective in the short
term eventually proved ineffective
-Natural agents (grapefruit seed extract,black walnut
extract,wormwood extract,berberine,
uva-ursi,ginger extract) all produced
which is a feeling of worsening symptoms
when the bacteria die off in great numbers
as toxins are released into the blood stream.
Immeadiate relief came after starting the Gottchall Diet, which
the carbohydrates
and starches that feed this bacteria. The book "Breaking the Vicious
Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall
$16.95 at Barnes and Noble, has recipes for individual meals.
Working with a doctor who uses The Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab
me to isolate and
identify the bacteria responsible for my illness through a
digestive analysis
(stool sample). In addition the bacteria was found in my small
through a breath test.
After drinking a challenge drink of lactulose breath samples are
in vacuum tubes
every 15 min for the next two hrs. If levels of hydrogen and
methane gases are detected it is
an indication of the bacteria digesting the sugar. Pathogenic
should not be in the small intestine.
I am convinced that the toxins released by this bacteria cause the
fog. The liver is overwhelmed
trying to filter out all these toxins and what is circulating in the
blood reaches the brain as well.
I have been able to control the proliferation of this bacteria by
its food source through Elaine's diet.
Through the help of a Naturopath I have changed the intestinal
so that it is more
acidic and not alkaline. Pathogenic bacteria do not thrive in an
environment. I have added lemon juice(freshly
and ginger extract along with colloidal bentonite clay ,digestive
enzymes,vitamins and minerals under the guidance of Dr. Jack Larmer
I no longer have any brain fog
I stay up past 10:00PM
I have one bowel movement per day(no diarrher)
I go skiing with my family
Find a doctor in your area who uses the Great Smokies Lab (They have
a doctor locator on their
Web site) and identify any and all pathogens.
Buy the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle"
If you don't stop eating the traditional American diet you won't get
Find a Doctor of Naturopathy who is familiar with treating the gut
Remember that there are twenty feet of small intestine and it will
take time to heal the damage
done and return it to healthy status. Don't get discouraged if you
don't see immediate results.
Everybody including myself wants a miracle pill that works
just isn't the case
with this
illness. I am proof that you can beat this devastating illness
Any information provided in this document is not to be considered
Iam not a doctor and you should consult a doctor before taking any
medicine or natural agents.
The information provided is a true account of my own experience.
Good luck and get well!
Carl W. Tuttle
Research is being conducted at the University of Newcastle in Sydney
Australia by Professor
Tim Roberts and colleagues who believe that the debilitating
of CFS is a result of
changes in the bacteria of the gut. (Reported by Reuters Health
Dear Tim,
Thank you for responding to my email. It has been difficult at best
get people to listen to me regarding the bacteria theory. Most
looking for that "magic bullet" (wonder drug)that is a cure-all for
debilatiting illness. The thought that diet and natural agents could
control and ultimately eliminate the illness is beyond belief.
Early in this century doctors and scientists were baffled by a
and lethal illness producing a mysterious rash, diarrhea,
dementia and death. Most all of these cases were limited to the
class and prison population. It was determined that this illness was
related. A poor diet low in niacin caused the desease known as Pellagra.
Even as people recovered after eating a more balanced diet, the
responsible for the discovery at that time was faced with criticism and disbelief.
Since my last email to you I have uncovered yet another situation
I believe is the most important to date. Through my reading I have
that all intestinal bacteria compete for space and the dominant
win out over the benificial bacteria when the apple cart has been
either by antibiotics, antacids, viruses, poor nutrition,(too much
sugar) etc.
Once those virulent strains sets up shop its next to impossible to
the situation and return to a healthy balance. Everything we put in
our mouth
will have a direct effect on that environment. Many CFS sufferers,
included, report an improvement while on antibiotics. While
the pathogen in question, beneficial bacteria populations are also being
eliminated, forever perpetuating the vicious cycle.
Instead of trying to shoot the bacteria with that magic bullet, why
not fight bacteria
with bacteria. Not just any bacteria but a specific group designed to
any pathogen
and restore that invironment to healthy status.
I believe that I am now taking the correct combination of beneficial
bacteria in sufficient quantities necessary to reestablish
I began taking these capsules on Saturday Jan. 10Th and within the
experienced "Herxheimer reaction" (die-off) lasting most of the
This die-off has been experienced with natural substances as
in my previous email. This is the first time a group of beneficial
has produced this effect. My past experience with die-off was an
that a
substance was effective. I will keep you informed of my progress.
I was unaware of the confrence scheduled in February. After
the site it looks like the who's who of CFS research. I would be
their thoughts on what we have discussed.
I will fax test results that you requested from the Great Smokies
Tim, I am doing well and its by no accident. I spent the last year
and a
half experimenting and finally I can honestly say that it has paid off
and I feel
that this approach is having a lasting effect.
I hope you are well,
Carl W. Tuttle
>Dear Carl,
>Thanks for the email about your health and its relationship to diet
and bacteria.
>Could you send me more info on the bacterial testing and what it
>We are doing a lot on the role of gut bacteria as you can see from
our web page and
what you reported is most relevant and exciting.
>Have you been following the conference we are organising for Feb in
>Cheers Tim
Dear Tim,
I have assembled the documents you requested from the Great Smokies
Lab. A total
of nineteen pages will be Faxed to: +61-02-4921-7281 Is
this the correct number?
Prof. Garth Nicolson is also interested in the information I have
has sent a list
of his recommendations for Gulf War Illness/CFS/FMS treatment. Here
is my
last email to him:
January 26, 1998
The Institute for Molecular Medicine
15162 Triton Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Attn: Prof. Garth L. Nicolson
Dear Professor Nicolson,
Thank you for responding to my email. There are items of
in your list of recommendations that I would like to point out.
understand I mean no disrespect if I should disagree with your
I will do my best at explaining why I have arrived at my conclusions
my own experiences.
Carbohydrates and starches are complex sugars which require digestion
before absorption. A damaged or improperly functioning digestive
tract cannot break these complex sugars down completely leaving a
available for fermentation by the pathogenic bacteria. Eliminating
bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, all grains and corn is extremely
If these foods are not eliminated the food source is still available for
these pathogens to exist. Simple sugars found in fruits are easily
absorbed and don't require the same complex digestive process.
fruit intake however, will also cause problems with too much
Cooked fruits are better because the cooking process reduces the sugar
content. The idea here is to starve the bacteria not the
There is plenty of additional food to eat as outlined in Elaine
book " Breaking the Vicious Cycle." Unless you ferment your own
for a minimum of 24 hours the store bought yogurt contains too much
yet another sugar. I myself drink mostly water. Fruit juice
would introduce even more sugar. No dried fruits whatsoever
they are pure sugar. FOS is a sugar as well and not allowed.
The bacteria responsible for my illness produced anemia. The
combination of beneficial bacteria to date is as follows:
Acidophilus Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bacillus Licheniformis, Bacillus
Lactobacillus Lactis, and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. The above
combination actually produced Herxheimer reaction and returned the pink
color to my skin. Additional capsules include Lactobacillus
and Lactobacillus Salavarious.
I am convinced that this illness originates in the gut and given an
opportunity it will travel throughout the entire system. Starving
this pathogen has produced the only lasting results.
Carl W. Tuttle
Professor Roberts,
I meant to send you this email as well:
Subj: Re: cfids
Date: 98-01-08 21:56:36 EST:
Dear Glo,
Although the bacteria may originate in the gut it will travel
the entire body causing a multitude of symptoms. The bacteria found
in my gut (citrobacter frundii) was responsible for pneumonia and
sinus infections not to mention being bedridden with devestating
The bacteria is capable of entering the bloodstream through
on the intestinal walls. If I should cheat and eat any
or too many fruits the first sign of a relapse is a stiff neck
congestion, lung congestion ,fatigue, loose stools, chest pain,
breath, anemia, painful joints and the debilitating brain fog just
to name a
Symptoms vary from case to case. Advanced stages are far worse than
I have
experienced , but I was headed in that direction. If an
diet can
produce improvement its worth trying.
Im sorry to hear about your daughters condition, my daughter is seven
old and I know how important they are to us. If you have any
other questions
please feel free to ask.
Carl W. Tuttle

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