The Questions |
- How
many patiends of IBS or IBD did You treat with SCD?What
percentage showed
definitive improvment?
- In
case the improvment (remission)has appeared did it last
or was it only temporary state of health?
- Do
You approuve patients on SCD to take prescription medicine
like antibiotics etc?
- Did
You have many (number if posible) cases where SDC DID
NOT help?
- Do
You think even people who DONT CHEAT on SCD may fail
and their health cannot be improved in spite of SCD?
(regarding myself I have been pronounced colitis sufferer
had been ion very bad state (nauseated,constipated,depressed
and very slim..)
Patrick Zdenko -- In 4 weeks my health dramatically improved
and after 6 months of SCD I have NO SYMPTOMS,TAKE NO MEDICINES
and have a 100% normal life)
Answers |
Re: Zdenko's letter
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 05:56:26 EDT
From: PPurdue10@aol.com
To: scd-list@longisland.com
I first heard an interview with Elaine Gottschall about
2 1/2, or so, years ago on a professional audio magazine
called "Functional Medicine Update." I began using the
SCD at that point, and to date have treated several
hundred people with IBS/IBD, and related disorders,
with this diet. Since I'm "in the trenches" everyday,
treating patients, and not doing a study, I don't keep
statistics on percentages. However, I know that the
vast majority of patients who stick with the diet, have
shown improvement. Sometimes the diet alone does the
job. More often than not, I have to help it along with
additional modalities. But as far as diet is concerned,
this is the most effective approach I have tried.
Most of my improvements tend to last. With many of these
patients, the diet is a lifetime commitment. Some patients
reach a point of balance in gut bacteria, and, with
caution applied to dietary choices, can "cheat" a couple
or three times per month. A rare few seem to be able
to eat anything once they've become symptom-free (although
I don't advocate this since more factors than starchy
carbs can throw off the bacteria in the gut -- such
as stress factors).
My scope of practice does not include the use of prescriptive
substances. If a patient is on a prescription drug (such
as Prilosec), I tell them that it is my experience that
they will not need the drug after following my protocols
and the SCD, and that they should consult with the prescribing
physician about getting off the drug. Some physicians
cooperate, some don't. Most patients take themselves
off the drug. Regarding antibiotics, the whole idea
behind the SCD is to reduce overpopulation of the fermenting
group of bacteria (as many of you know, there are over
450 species of bacteria living in the gut, with the
fermenting bacteria being one class within this complex
milieu). Gut flora live in a delicate balance, and antibiotics
throw this off. It is self defeating to take antibiotics
to treat an inflammatory bowel disease while trying
to rebalance gut flora. In my medicine, the control
of bowel inflammation and pathogenic bacteria overgrowth
can be controlled with the complex Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) medicinal formulas I use, along with
various Western-style nutrients and homeopathic medicines
I also use. I treat infections all the time, quite successfully,
without the patient having to use an antibiotic, and
without throwing off the delicate balance of gut flora.
Using this method saves the antibiotics for truly serious
infections where my medicine would be less effective
or not strong enough.
Again, I don't keep numbers. I certainly do have failures.
Nothing is 100%. However, most of my failures are with
patients who don't want to follow the diet or, for whatever
reasons, follow my protocols. As the author Carolyn
Myss points out in her book "Why People Don't Heal And
How They Can," some people have hidden reasons (which
they may not be aware of) why they can't allow themselves
to get better, but that is outside this discussion.
There are a couple of cases which come to mind where
the patient did everything correctly, and didn't get
better. These cases are always a source of frustration
for any practitioner. I'm always trying to find out
why some cases don't respond.
- I
think I covered this in "4." To embellish this subject
a bit, there are, again, many reasons for gut bacteria
to go haywire. You may or may not be aware, for instance,
that there is as much neurotransmitter activity occuring
in the GI tract as in the brain. We literally think
and feel with our gut as well as our brain. So stress
and emotional strife can wreck the GI tract. Over 50%
of the body's total mass of lymph tissue is clustered
around the GI tract. This means that over 50% of one's
immune system is dependant upon gut activity. So other
challenges to one's immune system will upset gut bacteria.
All the blood that drains the GI tract passes through
the liver first before going to the rest of the body.
Thousands of complex chemical reactions occur in the
liver to detoxify whatever is in the blood that may
not be of benefit to the organism. We are all different
from one another, and some of us don't detoxify various
substances at the same rate. Alcohol, for instance,
is detoxified by the enzyme dehydrogenase. This is the
same enzyme that detoxifies many environmental contaminants
(such as formaldehyde that is present in the smell of
new fabrics and carpeting). So those folks who get tipsy
quickly with only a glass of wine and suffer ill effects
the next day are often environmentally sensitive. This
can have a profound influence on the gut, throwing off
all those bacteria we try so hard to control with the
SCD. So these are a few factors that can contribute
to a gut problem that may have to be addressed in addition
to the diet. Ignoring or missing any related problem
will slow or inhibit recovery. Additionally, there is
no one who knows it all. Our knowledge is always evolving.
I, like all of you, are constantly searching for the
answers to cases that befuddle me.
hope I've answered your questions. Please let me know
if you have any others.
Patrick Purdue, D.O.M. (Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Florida)