Letters from the Specific Carbohydrate Diet support group (11)
Re: Tiredness
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 2:03:13 GMT
Amanda Sez...
I can identify with the tiredness though. I used to think
that letting my
>self get too stressed and then too tired brought on a flare. But now
>think that its the other way round. At the moment I'm in a flare and
>oh so tired yet I'm not overworked in my life right now. Its part and
>parcel of our bodies struggling to cope, I think.
Being tired...Reminds me of a comment made to me by Chinese Medicine doctor
Efrem Korngold...sorry, I forgot to look up the book title. It is a fairly
major book on Chinese medicine and should be easy to find. -Carol Wright
Below is copyright 1997 by Carol Wright...
Efrem Korngold, L.Ac., O.M.D., of San Francisco's Chinese Medicine Works
is co-author
with his wife Harriet Beinfield, L.Ac. of book title [publisher, date].
Korngold and his wife were among the first acupuncturists to be licenced
by the state of California.
To Korngold, symptoms of digestive disorders are signals to look at a big
picture. (To get a sense of how important this system is, I phone to ask
Korngold about Chinese
alternatives to antacids, and he answers with a two-hour lecture.) "The
function of the
stomach is part of a larger functional system, the spleen network,"
he explains. "The
spleen governs the whole process of digestion, assimilation, and elimination:
from mouth
to anus and everything in between. The system is the mechanism for how the
assimilates new substances, feeds itself, and determines what is good for
or what is bad. Any interference with that system will represent an
infringement on the body's entire resources.
"The energy or Qi of this system has particular directions to it. Food
goes in the mouth,
then down (the stomach's Qi direction) until it is excreted; liquid,
nutrients, and energy assimilated from food goes in the spleen's Qi
direction--up. One of the first signs of distress is that the energies of
these two functions have reversed: vomiting indicates the reverese energies
of the stomach, while in diarrhea, the liquidity is lost downward. It is
really serious when those are happening simultaneously, like in cases of
food poisoning. Here, the body tries to get rid of something quickly; it
not concerned with digestion, just getting out of a dangerous situation.
Vomiting and diarrhea are very exhausting; it takes a big effort to go
against one's normal activities."
##### copyright 1997 Carol Wright
* * * * * c 1996 Carol Wright * * * * * *
Writer - Music Reviewer
P.O. Box 402, Eastsound, WA 98245 (Orcas Island)
360-376-4014 fax 360-376-2440 cwright@rockisland.com
"I don't care what happens to me...as long as it makes a good story
Artur Rubinstein, pianist

Thu, 23 Jan 1997 3:58:49 GMT
To Anna and the rest of the group,
Thank you Anna for suggesting I search the IBD list archives for info
on the subject at hand. I quickly found the attached article, posted
from the CCFA--as mainstream as it gets. Given this information, I'm
going to be very cautious about using NSAID's, reserving them for rare
occasions if at all. I am also going to pass this info on to my dr.,
who was an old friend before he became my dr and who does use some
alternative medicine in his practice.
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 92 12:56:36 EST
From: thomas (Thomas Lapp)
Subject: NSAIDs Alert (From Voices, via CCFA)
Here is an interesting article about use of NSAIDs and IBDs.....
The last two decades have seen a host of new arthritis medicines called
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At first it was thought
that they would be less harmful to the gastrointestinal tract than
aspirin, but gradually it became evident that NSAIDs, too, could
cause harm to the gut. A famous rheumatologist, Dr. Charles Ragan,
whom I knew years ago said, "Anything that's good for the
joints is bad for the gut." I came to think of that as Ragan's Law
of the Gut and it has held up pretty well over the years. The
first problems that were recognized with the new drugs were stomach and
duodenal ulcers and bleeding, just as had been previously seen
with aspirin. In time, a series of other reports were published showing
that NSAIDs also could damage the small intestine and colon.
It turns out that NSAIDs can cause a type of colitis that cannot be
distinguished from IBD and, more important to the IBD patient, NSAIDs can
worsen or perpetuate Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
They also can cause the recurrence of IBD in patients whose disease
has gone into remission.
In 1987, Howard Taubin from Bridgeport and I published in the {Annals of
Internal Medicine} a report of four patients whose IBD was exacerbated
by NSAIDs. Since then, I have seen three more such persons and three
others who had what appeared to be IBD, but actually was NSAID-induced
colitis. In addition, some of my patients who have had mild
continuous disease have been better since the Advil they had taken
for menstrual cramps or headaches was stopped. Other gastroenterologists
have told me of similar experiences.
More recent studies from England have shown that NSAIDs can cause loss of
blood and protein from the intestine and, in some patients, cause
strictures of the ileum and colon.
Many patients with IBD have arthritis, so it is likely that they may be
to use NSAIDs at some time in their lives. While many or perhaps even most
IBD patients may not experience deleterious effects from NSAIDs, it seems
wise for all IBD sufferers to avoid them or at least discuss
them with their gastroenterologists and use them with great caution.
The following is a partial list os NSAIDs available either by
prescription or over the counter:
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Rufin, Advil, Nuprin, Mediprin, Trendar, Midrin 200,
Haltran), Anaprox, Ansaid, Clinoril, Dolobid, Feldene, Indocin,
Meclomen, Nalfon, Naprosyn, Orudis, Ponstel, Tolectin and Voltaren.
Small amounts of Ibuprofen are present in other combination
pills that are recommended for colds and flu-like symptoms, so be careful
what you take.
-- Herbert J. Kaufmann, M.D.
- tom

Re: SCD: Dr. holland's comments about NSAIDs
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 20:44:17 GMT
I must have not been crafty enough. There is evidence that NSAIDS do not
affect UC. This is a stronger statement than the following "There
is no
evidence that they hurt" So, the consensus is that a patient with
UC need
not fear taking NSAIDs. The evidence for this is the epidemiologic studies
that looked at NSAIDs in IBD. Crohn's patients had flares associated with
NSAID's, whild UC patients did not.
The conclusion that this is a blame the person attitude is unwarranted.
short eMail exchanges I am not going to spend a lot of time with nuances.
Since there is evidence that NSAID's do not worsen UC, one of two
circumstances come to mind. There may be situations that are correllated
with NSAID use and UC flares is one possibility. I have patients who tell
me that stress worsens their UC, thus one conceivable way NSAID use would
correllate with UC flares is that the NSAIDs would be used at the same time
as the stress for some reason. Since epidemiologic studies only measure
average behaior, subgroups that worsened on NSAID's might be missed in an
epidemiologic study unless some variable related to the propensity were
measured. So for an individual patient it is simple. If NSAID's worsen
the condition, then NSAID's worsen the condition and should be avoided.
The interesting matter with UC and Crohn's is that since Crohn's is
associated with NSAID's and since it can be hard to classify IBD correctly
as either Crohn's or UC, a patient who flares on NSAIDs may actually have
Crohn's. This evidence is not strong enough to make the diagnosis by
itself, but it should prompt reconsideration.
Stephen Holland, M.D.

Re: SCD: Kim's Progress
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 11:59:21 GMT
> Kim also asked about making progress on the diet.
> This brings to mind a topic that we have been going over from time
> time....whether someone starting the diet, while symptomatic, can
> expect dramatic results without staying on prednisone for a while?
> Kim, I believe our conclusion was no, that someone who is moderately
> sick should stay on prednisone while starting the diet, and slowly
> ease off the prednisone as symptoms improve. And of course this
> doubly if there is blood present. Again, does anyone disagree?
> Bart Hansen
> hansenb@frb.gov
Elaine has said that in some cases the diet may work by itself, but in
severe cases (ie bleeding and diarrhea) no one should expect to get too
without medication. I personally am using cortisone enemas and chinese
herbal tablets (no oral cortisone and making good progress)
Regards Michael

Re: "Slippery Elm"
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 21:47:36 GMT
Hi All,
Well I've finally got good stools happening - firm and no more diarrhea,
but still some bleeding. I don't know if it was
the avoidance of dairy
or the new herbs I'm taking
but what has definitely returned is my Candida problem. In the last week
was not eating too well, and missed a lot of sleep. (Bad boy eh?) anyway
this weekend it all caught up with me and hit me like a falling piano.
Lethargy, dizziness, bloating, anal itch, thrush in the mouth,
disorientation, poor decission making and depression. and Chemical
sensitivity, (I went to a dept store and nearly feinted with the smell of
plastic) All these are classic symptoms and hit me suddenly.
So I am re-considering my diet. (and lifestyle) I think what really brought
it on was bottled fruit juice and heaps of stewed fruit and honey. and
fresh fruit juice. I am going to reduce and spread out my simple
carbohydrate intake and take some anti-fungals. and see what happens.
Re: Encouraging Thoughs & Comments
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 1:30:13 GMT
>Dear Rachel,
>Very happy to hear of your wonderful test results. It is very encouraging
>for those on the diet hoping to have the same results one day. We have
>few questions regarding your progress, We hope you will not mind commenting
>on them.
Not at all
>1 How long were you on the diet before you were symtom free?
I was not in all that much trouble when I began the diet. Some bleeding
(but not hemmoraging as in the past), bloating and D. I began improving
immediately. Thrived on the yogurt. In the first year I still had some
bouts, but usually associated with questionable ingredients in what I
thought were safe foods. May 1st will be 2 years on the diet for me, and
frankly, I can't remember when I had my last bout. My health has been
perfect for many months now.
>2 What medication did you have along with the diet and when were you
>to come of the meds?
I was on Azulphadine since first diagnosed about 8 years ago, and on
steroids when the bleeding was out of control. I took myself off of all
meds about 6 months ago, when I felt I no longer needed any.
>3 Did you experience setbacks along the way? We have talked to many
>said that they did have ups and downs.
As I said I did have some minor flares in that 1st year. They rarely lasted
more than a day or two.
> We are a little anxious as Martine
>will be going for a colonoscopy on the 6th. This will be the first since
>two years ago when after a colonoscopy (entire inflammation) they wanted
>remove her entire colon.
Me too.When I was diagnosed, I was told I'd probably lose my colon within
few years.
>4 Now that the test result is normal for you, does this mean that your
>are also closer to normal?
Wishing you the best of health,
Re: Rachel
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 2:39:43 GMT
>Rachel can you please tell me who decided to take you off the medication
>about 6 months ago. Was it that you decided to go off without your doctors
Dear Jim,
I took myself off the Azulphaadine after many months of feeling well. I
NOT advising anyone else to do the same. I couldn't stand it if anyone were
to follow my lead and then relapse.
>How long where you on the medications that you were talking
>about, and how did you decrease each one.
I was no longer on steroids when I stopped and I'd been on varying doses
the azulphadine over the last 8 years. I was actually down to 2 when I
stopped (although the doctor wanted me on 4 to 6). I decreased one pill
a time.
>I am supposed to go for my first ever colonoscopy once
>I am a little bit better,(about another month or so) I am really nervous.
>Enough rambling, hope to hear from you soon.
The roughest part of the procedure is the prep which involves cleaning out
your colon by drinking a gallon of stuff (for me it was called golightly)
which gives you severe diharea and fasting the day before the procedure.
Once there they give you an IV with a sedative of some kind that makes you
aware of what is going on, but not too uncomfortable. I've done at least
half dozeon of these over the years and have become an old pro at them.
Truly, they are no big deal.Please keep me posted on how you are doing.
Best wishes.
From: Bill Miller[SMTP:miller@bedford.net]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 1997 4:49 PM
To: SCD Mailing list
Subject: Fasting
Hello all,
My chiropractor is recommending a juice fast with some kind of liquid
supplimentation ("Clear"-something by Metagenics). Does anyone
have any
experience with cleansing fasts? Do you think they are a good idea for
someone with UC?
A little over a year ago I fasted with no food, juice, or supplements. I
drank only water. I did this fast for 6 days. I don't recommend fasting
with juice because your body will go into ketosis during a fast and I personally
think that drinking anything other than water messes up the fast process
and body acidity levels. This book that I read and this program that I know
about fasting has people fast for up to 54 days with water only. Believe
it or not. Most people think that you would die after 3 days for some reason
but I fasted for 6 days but was weak because I was working at the same time.
Fasting is good for the body to help it to repair itself. During my fast
my bloating disappeared, and I felt pretty healthy. This didn't cure me
of my Crohns but I think helped a bit.
I don't think that it can harm you.
Ted Evans Chicago
Re: Fasting
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 4:05:48 GMT
Fasting is incredibly valuable...I've just researched a lot about fasting,
and these days, the consensus is to fast with juices and with vegetable
broths. This gives you the energy and the base nutrients and the liquids
need, but will not stimulate the appetite center (after about 3 days). You
also do not have anything to digest and do not use up your own energy doing
so. Those on juice/broth fasts will generally have increasing energy over
the period of the fast. Can't go into more now...
Check out this website for someone who is a professional fast consultant.
I'll give you a book title to look at for doing short juice fasts.
Fasting Center International Web: http://www.fasting.com
27C East Victoria Net: FastMaster@fasting.com
Santa Barbara, CA 93l0l USA AOL: FastExpert@aol.com
Voice: 805/899-4998 FAX: 805/962-5988
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself; art
cannot become manifest; strength cannot be exerted,
and reason is powerless." --Herophiles, 300 B.C.
For more info. & client testimonials, check FCI's Website, or email/
phone/fax us, to more intelligently explore fasting's possibilities.
* * * * * c 1996 Carol Wright * * * * * *
Writer - Music Reviewer
P.O. Box 402, Eastsound, WA 98245 (Orcas Island)
360-376-4014 fax 360-376-2440 cwright@rockisland.com
"I don't care what happens to me...as long as it makes a good story
Artur Rubinstein, pianist
Re: Fasting
Hi Bill,
Metagenics puts out a product called UltraClear and another called
Sustain. I see that fasts are very helpful to my clients and very
beneficial for myself. I began my first fasts in 1974 after reading Arnold
Ehret's, the Mucus Free Diet Healing System.
Read over all the ingredients in the UltraClear. Very often these formulas
violate the SCD diet. Make sure that whatever you choose to fast on is okay
for the SCD diet.
I think a fast could be a good idea for UC. It's important to choose the
right fluids to fast on so that they soothe cleanse tonify the intestinal
tract. Raw vegetable juices are very nutritious and soothing. They provide
minerals and energy.Distilled water and herb teas are good too. Fasting
gives the intestines a rest and a chance to heal more quickly.
Sincerely Sheila
Re: Fasting
>Hello all,
>My chiropractor is recommending a juice fast with some kind of liquid
>supplimentation ("Clear"-something by Metagenics). Does anyone
have any
>experience with cleansing fasts? Do you think they are a good idea for
>someone with UC?
Fasting, was popular for internal health, but recently the trend has been
away from drastic fasts which can unbalance the bowel flora, to a more
gradual cleansing through a balanced diet.
Regular repeat REGULAR wholesome meals are the best way to balance the
metabolism and if it is whole food, you can be assured of a safer cleansing
process. especially if you regularly include garlic and celery every day.
Re: Fasting
Be Careful guys,
A water only fast is fine for relatively healthy people who can fast that
long for 54 days. In most countries, it is illegal to fast more than 1 week
(5days here) without the supervision of a medical practitioner. There are
many dangers of ketosis especially for the mildly hypoglaecemic and
diabetic. Also mucous as everyone knows when you have a runny nose, is very
salty. So is blood. The loss of these body fluids through bleeding or
inflamation of the mucosa, even diarrhea, can mean life-threatening
electrolyte imbalances not within 54 days or just a few days but within
few hours. so be careful to be supervised especially when diarrhea bleeding
or vomiting are present.
You mentioned cleansing fasts. Carrot and Celery are traditionally used
such fasts, as they make a good nutritious combination - one root vege one
leafy vege. with spinach or some other dark green vege, they are
unbeatable. the celery is used for its high mineral content and for is
diuretic properties which help the kidneys to eliminate.
Regards Michael

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