Letters from the Specific Carbohydrate Diet support group 1997 (12)
Re: Ambrotose
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 2:20:19 GMT
>Hello All
>I am a new subscriber to the scd list. My husband has UC and we are
>two weeks in to the scd diet. Having trouble locating all the food
>stores needed, but managing to get along.
>For the lasst week or so I've been learning as much as possible about
>all the related topics. SO MUCH TO LEARN. A man e-mailed me today
>about something called Ambrotose, a dietary supplement of
>glycoprotein technology, phytochemicals. Does anyone know if I
>should take the time to investigate further? The mail looked more
>like an inticing advertisement, although it said a lot about the
>product. I confused enough about the drug my husband is on...does
>this make sense, or is it too good to be true?
>Hoping you can help. Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
Welcome to our group. Hope you find some helpfull advise here to help your
husband get the most out of the SCD diet.
In my personel opinion, the diet, a multi vitamin, perhaps a calcium
suplement and whatever meds the doctor currently has him on are enough of
start. I know that some of us in the group believe in a couple of more
exotic suppliments, but in my own experience, the basics I mentioned and
positive outlook have my UC under total control. I've been on the diet for
almost 2 years (May 1st) with maximium success. Lots of luck to you.
Re: Ambrotose
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 17:08:24 GMT
As one who has tried all the latest and greatest remedies that come along
must agree with Rachel. Don't waste your money on Ambrotose. If it really
works it will catch on like wildfire and you will hear about it. The more
probable scenario is that it will gain a small following and then peter
I could show you probably 5 websites promoting miracle cures that will
absolutely totally cure you with testimonials to match, only thing is they
don't work! Best of luck with the diet, its the closest I've come to a cure
Carol B
Re: Ambrotose
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:41:01 GMT
This Ambrotose product has rice bran in it, I believe, so it might
contradict the hard work of the ScD diet. Also, silica. I tried a
"Phytobear" one evening and woke up about 4 the next morning with
sweats and ran to the bathroom and vomited a lot. The person who'd been
recommending said she'd never heard of such a reaction and that it probably
indicated I really needed them because something was getting done. These
products are made from aloe vera, which can kill pinworms (which I'm
battling as y'all know by now), but it contraindicated for diarrhea. Anyway,
as others have said, "I'm sticking to the diet" and medicines
that have been
working, along with eating foods that go after worms (the last is Asian
bitter melon, available at E. Asian markets, one a day for ten days!).
Hope this helps, Ann in Maryland
Sat, 8 Feb 1997 21:01:17 GMT
Hi Rachel,
I am writing to ask you a question: When you first started the diet, how
long had you been experiencing symptoms for and what was the longest time
they went on unabated. I am interested in the diets effectiveness against
Candida. I undoubtedly believe that the diet will help those who have an
imbalance of vegetarian bacteria in the lower digestive tract, but I
believe that Candida is too tricky for this diet. For instance Candidas
favourite foods are fructose, honey and the sugars in milk (and yoghurt).
Well that's the mainstay of the scd for you. Since I don't seem to making
good progress, I am thinking of quiting the diet. Cooking is such a hassle
for me, I am not eating, missing many meals each week. I am concerned that
leaving out these foods:honey, milk and fruit as well as the cereals, is
too many of the groups of foods that we need. So I am going to have to
regress to an anti-candida diet (which includes gluten free cereals) for
days and hope that I won't get worse in my UC. or maybe I should stay on
the diet and eliminate these foods from the diet I've already eliminated
dairy (feel better for it) as a concession the Candida diet allows fruit
(except for bananas, melons and grapes, and all dried fruit) if you stay
the program longer. but I am finding it hard without the honey.) And my
Chinese doctor says I should not be eating nuts. So that doesn't leave very
much left. So my question to you rachel is, did you eat much of these
mentioned foods when you were on the early part of the diet. I would be
interested to hear or did you stick mainly to the veges and meat.
Dear Michael, I'm so sorry for the quandry you seem to in. My brother
a related desease. He has severe scoriatic arthritis. I mention this
because candidiasis is an issue for him too. I don't think however, that
is for me.
>Hi Rachel,
>I am writing to ask you a question: When you first started the diet,
>long had you been experiencing symptoms for and what was the longest
>they went on unabated.
To my best recollection, I began experiencing severe symptoms approx 11-12
years ago. For 2 years I had pain, diahrea, bleeding (severe at times) and
unrelenting urgency. I had to be 2 feet from the nearest bathroom at all
times and in retrospect have no idea how I managed to work, raise 2 kids
and hold a good marriage together. I was then diagnosed & put on steroids
Azulphdine. This kept things in relative control. Urgency all but
disappeared, and blood, pain & diahrea on & off but not constant.
continued for the next 8 years, when I discovered SCD (began 5/1/95). My
recovery from that point was almost constant and for the last year I've
almost no symptoms. I took myself off of Azulphadine about 6 months ago
if you've been following this mail, my colonoscopy last week was all but
> So my question to you rachel is, did you eat much of these
>mentioned foods when you were on the early part of the diet. I would
>interested to hear or did you stick mainly to the veges and meat.
Yes, I've been eating almost everything on the diet. The only things I
haven't tried were some of the recipes and only because they either didn't
appeal to me or too complicated for me to attempt. I tend to stick with
simpler stuff and the only constant is that I eat yogurt every day. Hope
this helps. On a personal note, and based solely on my own experience, I
would recommend sticking with the diet. Elaine may be able to offer advise
to you with the candidiasis. She's recently moved and her new # is
905-349-3443. Good luck.
Sincerely, Rachel
Hello Michael,
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 15:58:37 GMT
I'm kind of new, and don't know the protocol yet, so forgive me if I'm
not supposed to respond.
I've been diagnosed with "IBS" whatever that is, and have been
on the
diet with great relief from hyperactivity in my intestines (alas, not the
D.) in the eight months I've been on the diet. We're talking about stomach
activity going from 24hours a day, down to a few flutters a day.
What caught my attention was your question about honey, fruit and milk
sugars. I've noticed, over time, that I had trouble with the honey, fruit
and recently couldn't tolerate milk or even my home-made yogurt. It was
making me feel really sick. So as recently as a couple of weeks ago I've
dropped them out of my diet completely, finding substitutes (which I can
share if you are interested), and which I thought would be nearly
impossible to live without. I even gave up eating the few spoonfuls of
jello made with grape juice that I allowed myself.
I am happy to report that my energy has gone up amazingly. I'm back to
myself, mentally, physically (except for D.) and feel, increasingly and
amazingly freer and free-er from the demands of attention from my stomach!
Also, I think my weight has stabilized. It is possible this is some kind
of little reprieve, yet, I really think it has to do with my reactions to
these foods. Also, I've wondered if I have Candida.
I want to credit this approach to some, dear, one's who discussed testing
what works for us individually, recently on-line. Thanks, whoever you all
Yes, Michael, there's life after honey, and it's getting sweeter.
Best Wishes, Carolyn
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 17:26:33 GMT
Dear Michael,
I hope that you don't have to go back to grains to heal. I hope that SCD
can still be the base. I would like more input from Elaine on the candida.
I have dropped honey, I am a vegan and don't use dairy products. I use the
fruits and less of them now because of my teeth and the candida in my
mouth. Also veges and nuts. Why does the chinese doctor not want you to
them? I find your recipes for beans, peas, tahini, delicious however they
would be very difficult for me to handle in the am. And I would use just
one protein at a time. Tahini because it is from a seed is much easier for
my system to handle.
I think the world of you. You have been so helpful to others. I want to
you in the best of health and over this.
Also because of my mouth trip I have been making teas that have an
anti-bacterial in them, and clove buds are an easy and tasty one. Plus pau
d'arco, dandelion (for teeth). Keep your spirits up.
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 16:25:31 GMT
I must comment that I have taken the honey out of my diet as well and am
being rewarded for that. Fruit does not appear to bother me, but I have
taken out dairy, including yogurt, and now my bloating has cleared up. I
intend to try yogurt again soon but the honey is gone, I was suspicious
the beginning that it was a major factor for me. I am trying to incorporate
more bitter things in my diet and it seems to raise my energy level and
me good all round. For instance, I eat lettuce that is naturally bitter
I drink bitter dandelion tea from the health food store.
On some recent remarks of Where the SCD list going
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 5:53:58 GMT
I hold the SCD with a great deal of credence. I stay very close to the
book, but donot make any breads,or any form of baking. Pretty much all
fruit and veggies cooked or raw, as well cooked meats. I eat yoghurt on
a regular basises and believe it to be one of the keys to good health on
this diet. No medications, and few if any herbs. I try to keep my meals
as simple as possiable, but healthy.
I have been on the diet four years next month, with only one flair,and
that was very much my own doing. I am now very happy to live the rest of
my life on this diet, I no longer miss the old foods, prior to the diet.
The greatess hazard I still face is to find myself in a position
of being hungry. Of not eating often enough. This may sound silly to
some, but keep in mind all beings can become very aggresive
when hungry and inclined to throw caution to the wind. This can become a
dangerous time.
After four years on this scd, I am sure the newcomers must think I know
all the ropes. I am to this very day still finding foods I thought were
starch free. It is so easy to THINK you are on this diet, and all the
while getting starch from sources you never suspected. This list has
aided me immeasureably in the last year of eliminating suspect foods. At
the time I found this list I had been on Elaine's diet almost three
years. It was with great enjoyment and comfort for me to find other
people in this world who suffered the same disease as I. A disease not
commonly spoke of out side of our own circle. But I came here and stayed
here because this list was Elaine's diet. I feel I am very fortunate to
be in some form of remission of Ulcerative Colitis. I dont believe the
disease is cured, but only under present control, as long as I stay with
Elaine's diet. It worked for me, I am one of the lucky ones. Having said
that I understand this diet may not work for everyone. However for
someone trying to get a start on Eleine's Specific Carbohydrate
Diet, as this list is purported to be, just for them to turn thier
eating habits around, and eliminate starch and refined sugar is a hugh
hugh undertaking for any newcomer. Let alone trying to understand the
medications we can live with. Now then throw in some Doctors who donot
believe diet plays a part in this disease.( sounds worse than having a
baby).Anything more to a newcomer is just confussion. I would ask that
our remarks regarding diet remain close to Elaine's book or similar
materials, if for no other reason than the benifit of the
newcomers. I do believe the disscussions on medications should continue,
as long as we are accurate in our statements... finally I say this with
no malice to anyone.
best wishes and good health to all.
High fiber foods
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 16:46:32 GMT
This was taken from the CCFA homepage, With the SCD diet, at least what
am eating is a huge increase in vegetable ingestion, specificaly salads,
large salads a day. I am dressing these with olive oil and vinegar. I
know of the testimonials and our feeling of "if it works, don't change
but any ideas on all the fiber/cellulose/indigestible polysaccharides we/I
am eating. I have been on the diet for 2 months and feel that the asacol
is really the thing that is maintaining my uc symptoms, unfortunately I
at a very high dosage of 4 pills/3x/day. Whenever I try to sloooooooowly
decrease the asacol, blood, mucous and gassy cramping return. Though I
drinking full strength de-cafe flavored coffee in the morning, and haven't
heard if this is forbidden or not.
What follows is in regards to :
High fiber foods.This category includes foods such as seeds, nuts, popcorn,
corn, and certain Chinese vegetables. These foods may produce cramping if
there is narrowing of the bowel. When this occurs early in the course of
the disease, it is often a temporary problem caused by edema or swelling
the bowel wall. Later in the course of the illness, these symptoms may
indicate scarring (stenosis) of the intestine. High fiber foods also
contribute to diarrhea (greater stool volume) because they are incompletely
digested by the small intestine. Once fiber enters the large intestine,
stimulates contractions, especially when the colon is inflamed with either
Crohn's colitis or ulcerative colitis. This is the reason for using "low
residue" foods such as broth, gelatin, poultry without skin, potatoes
without skin, rolls, noodles, rice, eggs and fish. High fiber foods may
also contribute to diarrhea by causing mechanical irritation if the colon
is severely inflamed.(CCFA Crohns, colitis foundation of america)
Dave Johnson

Re: What's an FOS?
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 19:01:10 GMT
FOS reference from an December 1995 article Scientific American --
How Breast Milk Protects Newborns
by Jack Newman
"An Abundance of Helpful Molecules
Several molecules in human milk besides secretory IgA (antibodies or
immunoglobulins) prevent microbes from attaching to mucosal surfaces.
Oligiosaccharides, which are simple chains of sugars, often contain
domains that resemble the binding sites through which bacteria gain
entry into the cells lining the intestinal tract. Thus, these sugars
can intercept bacteria forming harmless complexes that the baby
.... "
Presumably then, FOS or Fructo-Oligiosaccharides are a form of this
molecule derived from fruit rather than breast milk. Who knows if it
works as well, or has any impact on an adult's gut.

Tue, 18 Feb 1997 0:15:57 GMT
FOS is Fructo-Oligiosaccharides, also they can be synthetically made or
extracted. They are extracted from Jerusalem Artichokes and often labelling
will use the listing as Jerusalem Artichoke to justify the FOS, rather than
list it directly. In checking sometime ago with Elaine about FOS, it seems
that it is just as its name implies - another sugar. Without insisting
one way or the other, we believe that Elaine's suggestion of being "label
wary" and, as the book states about being "fanatical" holds
true. Rather
than take a chance, it is best to avoid it completely.
regards, A. Partridge, Edmonton AB, CAN
weight loss
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:58:33 GMT
For those of you concerned with weight loss, I came across an interesting
Causes, Consequences and Treatments
by Steven L. Nack, MD,
Division of Gastroenterolgy,
North Penn & Chestnut Hill Hospitals"
This article can be found at the following website address:

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