Below you'll find some of the candy recipes that members of the SCD mailing
list have mailed to one another.... If there is any contradiction between
instructions in Breaking the Vicious Cycle and any recipe in these archives,
kindly adhere to what the book states.
Elaine's words:"The
glucose (commercially produced glucose powder) is not really glucose.
I can't go into the long story of my investigations with it, but it is
actually a mixture of many small chains of glucose - not just the monosaccharide,
and I am suspicious about using a lot." She has also said that if
glucose also has the word "dextrose" on the label it is more
likely to be close to the natural, "real" glucose found in nature.
Therefore SCD'ers be warned - eat powdered glucose candy in small quantities
if at all. Elaine says the best candy is made with honey.
Therefore, all recipes
calling for powdered glucose have been removed. Please use the Feedback
form if you manage to find a stray recipe. :-)

sweets, snacks confectionery |
almond flour / butter / honey
I made
marzipan (by accident) the other day. I thought it could be a
fun treat for parents on the list to make with the kids. You can
create and eat homemade marzipan animals for the holidays.
I just
pigged out and ate it by the sinful spoonful all week : )
- 1 cup hughson ground
blanched almond flour
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/4 - 1/3 cup honey
- 2 teaspoons SCD
legal vanilla
You would have
to Check out food colorings to see if they are scd compatible
for colored marzipan.
I used the food
processor to combine until smooth and creamy, refrigerate
until stiff enough to handle. Use like clay to form animals.
Store in the fridge
to keep firm.
Have fun,
- 2-1/3 cup pecans*
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/4 cup date sugar
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- Pinch cloves and
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C).
Step 2
Place pecans on cookie sheet or baking pan and lightly toast
-- about 6-7 minutes, depending on your oven. Nuts are done
when you can smell a nutty, toasted scent.
Step 3
Remove pecans from oven and pour honey over them. Stir to
coat nuts evenly, and return to oven.
Step 4
Mix date sugar and spices in a large bowl.
Step 5
Pecans are ready to be removed from the oven when all the
honey is warm and coating them.
Step 6
Pour the hot pecans into the large bowl of spiced date sugar.
Toss well until the pecans are thoroughly coated with the
date sugar mixture. Spread on a cookie sheet in a single layer
and allow to "set." Enjoy warm or at room temperature.
You may also box them in cellophane-lined, holiday decorated
tins and give as gifts. They will be appreciated!
*Note: Walnuts,
almonds, cashews, hazlenuts and even peanuts are also delicious
when prepared in this way!
- 1/2 cup butter,
at room temperature
- 3/4 cup honey
- 2 eggs
- 2 T lime juice
- 3/4 cup macadamia
nuts ground to a butter
- 1 cup coconut
(unsweetened, shredded)
- 3 1/2 cup almond
- 3/4 tsp salt
- dash nutmeg
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F
Cream butter until soft, add the honey and blend until smooth.
Add eggs one at a time and mix each in completely.
Add lime juice, nuts, coconut and blend until well-combined.
Shake salt, soda and nutmeg over the batter, stir in.
Drop by spoonfuls onto a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until just golden brown.
Allow to cool on the cookie sheet for 2-3 minutes.
Transfer with a spatula to a wire rack.
Makes 2-3 dozen.
*Experimental Warning...you may need to add more almond flour
to get the right consistency, I had to play around so that
1/2 cup almond flour is an estimate! You may want to try a
"test" cookie and add flour as needed.
almonds / pecans / honey
Almond-Honey Crisps Variation
tried over Xmas and Melissa loved it
- 1 cup pecan meal
or groung almonds
- 1/4 c. butter
- 1/3 -1/2 c. honey
- 2 t. vanilla (unsweetened)
Mix together and spread in a greased 8x8 pan---
Cover with blueberries and bake at 375 degrees F. ~15 min.-
until crisp.
I imagine apples, raspberries, strawberries & rhubarb would
also be good toppings.
gelatin / pineapple / yogurt
Soak 1 pack Knox
unflavored geletin in 1/4 cup cold water
Heat 1 cup pineapple
Dissolve soaked
gelatin in hot juice.
Chill this mixture
until it starts to thicken.
Add 1 cup homemade
yogurt (presweetened with honey) and 1 cup crushed pineapple
to the partially set mixture.
Pour into molds or other container and chill until set.
-- this has a bad aftertaste when it is first mixed together,
but after it's set it is delicious. The texture reminds me of
dried fruit / sunflower seeds
resist posting this one from "Sweet and Sugarfree"
(can't wait 'till I can start eating this stuff!):
- 1/2 cup finely
chopped dried fruit
- 1/2 cup sunflower
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 cup peanut
Topping: 1/3 cup flaked unsweetened coconut
In a medium-sized
mixing bowl mix together chopped dried fruit, sunflower
seeds, and cinnamon. Gradually add peanut butter, using
just enough to form a soft dough. Roll dough into 1"
balls and gently roll balls in coconut. Place on cookie
sheets and refrigerate until serving. Yields 2 or 3 dozen.
Add chopped or ground nuts, sesame seeds.
Recommended Dried
Apples, bananas, pears, dates, figs, pineapple, apricots.
apple / strawberry / honey
Apple Leather
(Same as those fruit roll ups that they sell)
- 2 cups of homemade
apple or strawberry puree
- 1 to 4 tbsps
- cinnamon (to
- strawberries.
Stir ingredients together.
Line a jelly roll pan with plastic wrap.(I use two sheets
crosswise so there is some overhanging)
Spread mixture over that.
Dry in an oven 150 degrees for 8 to 10 hours or overnite.(
I usually do it overnite)It will be stiff enough to pull off
the plastic wrap. If still sticky on one side, you can turn
it over for a few more minutes.
It is easy to remove and I cut it in small pieces.. roll it
... and wrap.
I make
myself an "SCD cocktail" in the blender...
- homemade yogurt
(made w/ L. bulgaricus & S. thermophilus)
- frozen very ripe
organic bananas (from my stash)
- some liquid acidophilus
- some organic flaxseed
- some honey
- a dash of organic
No measuring -
though I do look at how much yogurt I've splunked into the
blender jar and give it about a banana per cup. It's yummy
and I don't even notice the flaxseed oil.
The other day I
experimented and added a little organic peanut butter - the
finished mixture kind of tasted and smelled like vomit - I
managed to gulp it down but won't be trying that one again...
Mimi Sheraton's Passover Honey Nut Candy
been inspired by all of Deanna's great info about kosher ingedients
and methods, so I picked up "The New York Times Passover
looking forward to trying lots of the recipes in it, and thought
I would share this one with you. (I haven't tried it yet but
it sounds great!). The only thing that would need to be changed
is the 1 tbsp. sugar. I wonder if it couldn't just be omitted?
- 16 liquid ounces
honey, preferably dark
- 1/2 tsp. ground
- 1 lb shelled
- 1 tbsp. finely
grated orange rind
- 1 tbsp. fresh
lemon juice
- light veg. oil
for platter
In a small, heavy-bottom
saucepan, boil the honeyl. Reduce the heat to low and stir
until the honey darkens slightly.
Add the ginger,
nuts, rind and lemon juice. Stir over very low heat for
7 to 8 minutes, or until the nuts have absorbed some honey.
Remove from the heat and stir for 1 to 2 minutes. Then,
while still quite hot, pour onto a lightly oiled platter
or cookie sheet. Spread to 1/2 inch thickness.
When the mixture
cools and is fairly firm, cut into small squares. When cold
and reasonably firm, separate into pieces. Store in a cool,
dry place.
Makes about 2
pounds of candy.
Paula - How 'bout a recipe for homemade SCD halva? Any ideas?
> Deanna
by mixing honey with tahini, you will find the taste is very
reminiscent of halva, which I LOVE. That's why I definitely
dig tahini-honey cookies. I bet that using ground sesame seeds
as flour, instead of almond flour as a base, would create an
even more authentic halva taste. As far as candy goes, the consistency
of the honey makes it tough to get the texture right. Perhaps
date sugar...? But I'm wary of this, since several people said
it triggered a flare-up.
Jam / Marmalade
I don't remember Elaine's instructions for making jam/marmalade,
but here's what we do to make preserves:
- Put fresh or frozen
fruit in our 4-quart West Bend slow cooker, on setting 4 (of
5), along with enough water to prevent scorching.
- After slow-cooking
all day (or night), stir in honey to taste and 1-3 (depending
upon amount and type of fruit) packets unflavored gelatin. (We
mix the gelatin with some cold water first, since that's what
the package says to do when making "Jello".)
- Put in refrigerator
overnight in uncovered glass bowls or jars.
The best part about using the slow cooker is that there is no
need for the constant stirring, as there is in stovetop preserve-making.
The same holds for making catsup, salsa, or "spaghetti"
Our local Kroger supermarket sells frozen peaches and strawberries,
which each worked well. They also have frozen rhubarb, which
we mixed with the strawberries for delicious strawberry-rhubarb
those who enjoy the distinctive taste of sesame seeds... Sesame
butter or tahini can be used in baking, eg, honey/tahini cookies
using almond flour as a base and adding a touch of salt and vanilla;
also mix with honey to make frozen dessert "balls."
Tahini makes a GREAT salad dressing mixed with lemon, salt, garlic,
and yogurt (the yogurt is optional here), with a little pure water
to get the desired consistency. Tahini and honey also is fine
on bread and muffins if that appeals to you. Try tahini mixed
with fresh squeezed orange juice as the base for a batch of tasty
muffins. Throw in some fresh ginger for added flavor.
sunflower / pumpkin seeds
Roasted, Salted Pumpkin Seeds
From: "Paula Sirois" <psirois@hunterdon.csnet.net>
To: <SCD-list@longisland.com>
Subject: sweets and snacks
Last night, we found the perfect portable, crunchable food for
the cinema: roasted, salted pumpkin seeds. FAST, EASY, and totally
DELICIOUS--not at all dissimilar to the satisfying experience
of chowing down on popcorn to one's heart's content. This is,
however, far more nourishing.
(BTW, if you are consuming these in measurable amounts, keep in
mind that I've read sunflower seeds are better for women and pumpkin
seeds are better for men in terms of nutritional value--something
about hormonal balance.)
I began with raw, organic seeds. I then heated them up in a saute
pan with a bit of virgin olive oil for just a few minutes, stirring
all the while...and, adding plenty of pure salt. Another quick
snack we picked up from the health food store today: organic dried
calymyra figs. All in all, very rewarding!
Well, I am off to conjure up some ratatouille drenched in melted