Below you'll find some of the dressing and sauce recipes that members of
the SCD mailing list have mailed to one another.... If there is any contradiction
between instructions in Breaking the Vicious Cycle and any recipe in these
archives, kindly adhere to what the book states.
Dressings & sauces
vinegar / mayonaisse / mustard / marmelade |

- 3 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. prepared
- 1 cup homemade yogurt
- 1 small dill pickle,
finely chopped
- 1 tsp. juice sqeezed
from a tomato
Mix first 3 ingredients.
Slowly stir into yogurt, blending well. Add remaining ingredients.
Mix well and chill at least 30 min. before serving.
These are 2 recipes
that I often make. Enjoy!
mayonaisse / honey / mustard
is a recipe for a honey-mustard sauce that goes great with the
Cruncy Almond Chicken (fixed like McNuggets).
Tzatziki Sauce
I just remembered that tzatziki sauce was made with yogurt and
that this is great with meats and stuff. It's really simple
to make and tastes great.
I don't know if everyone knows or remembers the food, but any
way this is my first recipe that I am placing on the scd group
hope everyone likes it. Please let me know if anyone tried it
and how you liked it.
- Half a cup of homemade
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp of vinegar
- half a teaspoon
of olive oil
half a cucumber unseeded and grated
Mix all ingredients well and have with meats chilled
Jim Prousalis
Garlic Sauce
A good standby: In a food processor do FRESH parsly & garlic
from real bulbs (not in jars) and then add butter and process
til smooth. Great on shrimp, chicken, etc.
Re: Thickening Sauces (advice)
Hi Lois,
What I found works great for thickening soups, stews, chowder
and oriental stir fry is almond nut butter. I have a Cuisinart
little Pro Plus food processor and it grinds nuts down to an incredibly
creamy nut butter consistency. I start with about 2 tablespoons
of nut butter mixed well in 1 cup of water and add it to the soup
or stir fry. If I need it thicker, I keep adding a tablespoon
at a time mixed in a little water until the desired thickness
is obtained. When I make a chicken or turkey, I make sure to add
a lot of sliced onions surrounding the chicken or turkey while
baking. When it's finished cooking I take the juices at the bottom
of the pan with the cooked onions, add a couple of tablespoons
of nut butter, mix all ingredients in the food processor and make
a wonderful thick and creamy gravy. I don't miss flour or constarch
anymore, try this, it's delicious!!!!
Thank you :-)! I never would have suspected that almond butter
would have much thickening power. Does the butter you grind yourself
have a different flavor than the commercial almond butter sold
in health food stores (which I wasn't crazy about)? I guess the
almond flour (the taste of which I prefer) wouldn't cut it...
Do you you use roasted or unroasted?
Take care,
I usually use unroasted almond butter for thickening sauces. It
basically takes on the flavor of whatever you mix it in. I do
make roasted almond butter and my favorite, roasted cashew butter.
Since I'm also dealing with a slight overgrowth of candida, I
have been off of all fruits and honey for 3 months. I find that
the roasted almond and cashew butters somehow fulfill the craving
for something sweet, especially the roasted cashew butter, it
has kind of a sweet taste.
Lois (UC)
Sun-dried Tomatoes Based Sauce
Remember a while back I asked about the acceptability of sun-dried
tomatoes? Well, I figured that, since SDTs are supposed to be
rehydrated with hot water, absorbing the water and becoming
soft and moist, why not let 'em do their thing in an SCD tomato-juice-based
sauce and absorb some liquid from that, hopefully helping to
thicken the sauce in the bargain? Well, not only did those suckers
help thicken the sauce, they gave it tons of flavor! Here's
the recipe (I didn't follow a recipe, just did my own thing):
- about 3 lbs ground
- enough olive oil
to coat the bottom of the pot
- 2 large onions,
- 1 whole head of
garlic; peel and smash the cloves
- 1 green pepper,
chopped (I only had one; 2 wouldn't hurt)
- dried oregano to
taste - about 2 tsp or more - don't measure
- dried basil to
taste - about 2 tsp or more - don't measure
- dried parsley to
taste - about a handful
- 4-6 large, ripe
- a little red wine
(I dunno how much, just pour a little in!)
- a little honey
(a TBSP or so, I guess, just pour a little in!)
- about 6 ozs of
DRY sun-dried tomatoes (homemade), cut in halves
- in salt 'n' pepper
to taste
In a 6-quart pot, brown the meat. Pour into a colander or strainer
to drain the juices into a smaller container. Separate the fat
from the rest of the meat juices. Meanwhile put olive oil in
the pot, add onions, garlic, green pepper, and herbs, and saute
until the onions are clear. (I would have added sliced mushrooms,
too, if I had any.) Return the browned meat and de-fatted meat
juices to the pot. Add tomato, wine, honey, sun-dried tomatoes,
and salt 'n' pepper. Bring to a boil, then simmer, uncovered,
for at least an hour.
Moosewood House Salad Dressing
This recipe came out of the Moosewood Restaurant Cookbook
- 1 cup veg. oil (mild,
not olive)
- 2 Tbl lemon juice
- 1 tsp honey
- 6 spinach leaves
- 2 Tbl chopped parsley
- 1 tsp fresh basil,
or 1/4 tsp dried
- 1tsp fresh marjoram,
or 1/4 tsp dried
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 garlic clove, pressed
- 1 cup homemade yogurt
Blend all ingredients except
the yogurt.
Slowly add the yogurt, don't overmix or will separate. This will keep
refrigerated for up to a week.
I've found that it does separate after a day or two, so just stir
before you use it.
Blue-Cheese Dressing
- 1- 1 1/2 cups of
mayonaise (homemade)
- 1 cup yoghurt (homemade
- I make mine with half and half)
- 6-10 oz. crumbled
blue cheese
- 1-2 tsp. dry mustard
Combine all ingredients and keep refrigerated.
*** Note: According to scd list you may have blue cheese occasionally.
I take this with me when I know that I am going to eat a salad
other than my house.
Creamy Bleu Cheese Dressing
- 1/2 cup homemade
(SCD) mayonaise
- 2 tbl fresh lemon
- 1-2 tbl red wine
- 1/2 cup homemade
- 2 tbl. honey
- 1 teas. mustard
(dijon or other)
- 6- 8 oz bleu chesse
- salt to taste
- a little cayenne
pepper to taste
In a small mixing bowl, beat together mayonaise, lemon juice,
vinegar, yogurt, honey and salt. Add the bleu cheese and cayenne
pepper and beat again. Refrigerate and then serve with your
favorite salad. I make this
up and put in small containers to take with me when I eat out.
Karen A Bartlett
Dressing or Dip
Hi Everybody,
My husband has been on the diet for a month now and is doing
great. I can't believe how well the diet is working. I have
been trying new recipes so he has a larger variety of food to
choose from. I came up with this recipe that can be used for
dressing or dip.
- 1 cup mayo (homemade
recipe in the book)
- 1 cup yogurt (homemade)
- 1 clove garlic,
chopped finely
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- 2 Tbl chopped onion
- 1 Tbl parsley
- a drop or two of
honey or allowable sweetner
If any of the spices disagree with you delete them from the
recipe. My husband did not experience any problems with the
Becky Smith
- 1 cup homemade yogurt
- 3 tbl honey
- 1/2 teas. dried
- 1 teas. dried chives
- 3 toes garlic (minced--
I put through a garlic press)
- 1/2 teas of pulverized
- 1 cup homemade mayonaise
- salt to taste
- ground cayenne pepper
or hot sauce to taste
Combine all ingredients in oder beating as you add.
Karen A Bartlett
Raspberry Dip
Found this recipe in a promotional mag. put out by one of the
local supermarkets (Edwards in NY):
- 1 cup low-fat cottage
cheese (for SCD, substitute dry curd cottage -- cheese mixed
with homemade yogurt to make it the consistency of cottage cheese)
- 1 cup raspberries,
fresh or frozen (unsweetened, thawed)
- 3 tbsp honey (Wow!
It actually called for honey and not sugar!)
- 2 tbsp orange juice
- assorted pieces
of fresh fruit
Blend everything in blender or food processor until smooth.
Chill until serving time. Serve as a dip with fresh fruit. Makes
2 cups.
Chef's Tip: For Peachy Dip, substitute 1 cup drained, canned
(unsweetened) peaches for the raspberries (Hey! Why not fresh?)
HA! This recipe came courtesy of Nabisco - besides fruit, it
originally suggested dipping their Nilla wafers in it. Try dipping
an SCD cookie, instead. ;-)
Cranberry Sauce for the Turkey
sauce is easy to make. Buy a bag of cranberries and follow the
directions on the bag except substitute honey for the sugar.
memory, the process is put some water in a pan and bring to a
boil. Add the cranberries, honey and lower heat. Stir until they
have cooked up. I also add the juice from an orange too. A mild
flavored honey such as clover is best.
We had a turkey dinner
this weekend, and to make up for the missing cranberry sauce,
I whipped this up in five minutes. IT WAS SOOO GOOD! It makes
a fabulous accompaniment to a meal or an equally satisfying
- 1.2 or one full
tablespoon minced fresh ginger
- five chopped ripe
- juice of half a
- five chopped dried
figs that have been softened in boiled water for several minutes
(All the above ingredients were organic, upping the appeal of
this dish : )
Add all ingredients
to saucepan. Using low heat, cook for three to five minutes.
Blend gently to desired consistency.
I have a hand-held
blender made by Braun that makes mixing soups and sauces easy
as can be because I can use it right in the pan...no transferring
to blender.
Coriander Sauce
If you love the flavor of fresh coriander (aka cilantro) you'll
adore this recipe. I used it as a dipping sauce with roasted
chicken breasts that I rub with kosher salt, pepper and fresh
ground cumin seeds and paprika before baking.
- 1 cup fresh coriander
- 3 cloves of raw
garlic ( I cut this amount in half)
- 1/2 cup shelled
- 1/3 cup fresh lemon
- 1 teaspoon kosher
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh
ground pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon ground
- 1/4 cup water
Puree the coriander, garlic, walnuts lemon juice salt, pepper,
cumin water in a blender or food processor. makes apx. a cup.
After preparing Add more water if you want a more liquid texture.
- a wonderful recipe for salsa that I have been making for many
years, 75 pints last year and it was gone before Super Bowl
Sunday! Now is the time to use up those spare tomatoes....
- 1 1/2 cups
diced white onion
- 1/2 cup diced jalapeño
peppers (seeded & membrane removed)
- 3 cups bell peppers
- 10 cups tomatoes
skinned chopped & drained for about 15 minutes....
then measure:
- 8 cloves garlic
- 1 1/2 cups
white vinegar
- 2 rounded teaspoons
- 1 rounded TABLESPOON
- 2 rounded TABLESPOONS
Put all ingredients into a large size kettle.
Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 45 minutes until veggies
are done. I do this half the time with lid on and half with
lid off. Watch closely and stir so it doesn't burn.
Simmer until very hot again and put in sterilized jars and hot
water bathe for 15 minutes.
Start timing when the water bath returns to a boil. ENJOY!
- 2 onions chopped
- 1/2 yellow pepper
- 1/2 green pepper
- 1/2 red pepper chopped
- 2 T. crushed garlic
- enough olive oil
to sautee
- 6 cups tomatoes,
peeled and chopped
- 1/2 cup juice squeezed
from tomato
- 2 bay leaves
- 1-1/2 tsp. basil
- 1-1/2 tsp. oregano
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. pepper
- 1 T. honey
Sautee onions, peppers and garlic in oil. Add all other ingredients
in Dutch oven pan and bring to a boil. Simmer uncovered until
thickened (2 - 2.5 hours) Discard bay leaves.
Spagetti Sauce / Pizza Sauce
I have been making an awesome Spagetti Sauce / Pizza Sauce
recipe for some time. I found that it fits the SCD fine. I
used it along with some breaded (Pecan Flour, Parm cheese
and egg) Chicken cutlets....
Topped off with Munster Cheese.
I got a overwelming response from my husband. He loved it.!
Simple sauce
The trick to better sauce is in cooking it long enough.
- 4 medium tomatoes
(I core them and place them in boiling water for a minute to
make peeling them easier) cut into 1/2 inchs chunks
- 2 cups juice squeezed
from tomato
I cook this for some time to get it thick.
In another pan saute these items in a couple tablespoons Olive
- 1 stalk Celery chopped
- 1 medium Onion chopped
- 2 tlbsp Basil
- 2 medium cloves
You can add some more diced tomatoes. I usually add some beef
or chicken stock ( about 1 cup) for a little more flavor
When onion and Celery are soft add this to the tomato sauce.
Cook to desired thickness.
It's great over Spagetti Squash
tomatoes / celery / peppers
Barbecue Sauce
I gladly share my recipe for barbrcue sauce.. This recipe
makes about 7 pint jars. You must sterilize your jars first
and they must be processed in a hot water bath once filled
- 4 1/2 pounds
of ripe tomatoes
- 2 cups of chopped
- 1 1/2 cup
green pepper chopped
- 3 onions (chopped)
...... medium size
- 5 garlic cloves
- 3/4 cup honey
- 3/4 cup vinegar
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp Paprika
- 1 tbsp dry mustard
- 2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp cayenne
- 1/2 tsp chili
Cut tomatoes in chunks and cook on medium heat until soft. Press
thru food mill to remove seeds and skin. I f you do not have
a food mill, you can strain in a fine strainer .
Return the puree to the pot.
Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring
Simmer for about 2 to 21/2/ hours until thickened and of the
consistency that you want.
Remove from heat & cool.
Smooth in blender..........Return the puree to the pot and bring
back to a boil (slowly).
At this point I usually add another tbsp of paprika (for color
only) You can also add more cayenne if you wish depending on
how "Hot" you want this.
Pour into hot sterilized jars to within 1/4 inch of top of jar.
Process in hot water bath for 15 minutes.Remove from hot water
bath and let cool. Store in a dark place if you aren't using
This also freezes well, but I don't get much of a chance anymore
to freeze it as I make half for us and half for grandson who
is on SCD.
Hope you try it and good Luck.
Mushroom Gravy
I want to share this marvelous recipe
for gravy that I figured out. It is particularly good on broccoli,
cauliflower and cabbage-type veggies. I don't have exact measurments
down, but there is not a lot of room for
failure (by the way, I've also done it with almond butter for
variety, which makes a "sweeter" sauce, this one is
- Hot water to make
a paste out of the tahini
(just stir in a little water at a time until it becomes the
consistency of heavy cream)
- Mushrooms and Onions
chopped, sauted in a little oil or butter till soft.
- Salt and pepper
to taste (I seem to use a lot of salt in this recipe, my tahini
is unsalted).
After you saute the mushrooms and onion until soft, at the very
end pour in the tahini mixed with water and stir. Doesn't need
too cook much. (I think it's better not to cook it too much
-- mine gets grainy).
Pour over veggies of your choice for a delicious dinner.
Bon Appetit!
Mayonaise (variation of Elaine's)
- 1 jumbo egg
- 2 tablespoons of
fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 1 - 1 1/2 teaspoon
dry mustard
- 1 - 1 1/4 cups oil
- salt and pepper
- 1 tablespoon of
put lemon juice and mustard and egg in blender. While the machine
is running pour the oilvery slowly. It should take at least
a minute. As the mayonaise thickens, the sound of the machine
will change.
*** It is very important to add the oil very slowly in a fine
- 3 hard boiled eggs
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 1/4 tsp.
dry mustard
- 1/2 tsp. paprika
- honey (1 tsp)
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 2 tbsp. white vinegar
Beat on highest speed in blender and very very slowly add about
2 cups oil ( i only add about 1 1/4 cups oil)
If runny "blend" in about 1/2 pack of Knox..softened
in 1/4 c. water...good luck !!
In AB Canada
Re: Mayo
From: "Liz and Bas" <2bunnys@hetnet.nl>
To: <SCD-list@longisland.com>
-----Original Message-----
From: T Croteau <datts@shaw.wave.ca>
>Good afternoon! Has anyone tried the "boiled egg"
mayo...on the web site?? I made a bottle last week, it was the
BEST... my whole family ate it..on vegetables!!!! Was perfect
! I made another batch yesterday..initially it thickened but then
separated and became runny and greasy...so I chucked it out and
made another batch...looked fine put it in the fridge...later
I discovered
it was no longer thick but all separated and runny!
What causes this? Why did the first batch turn out perfect and
not the next ones! Any suggestions? I am trying to remove all
dairy and this mayo is perfect for vegies,
dipping , and salads!
Thank you in advance,
Debi, running out of eggs!
I've made this mayo several times. It is indeed good but does
separate easily. When this happens, I found that I can save it
by letting it sit so that the egg gunk falls to the bottom and
the oil is clear on the top. Then, I pour off the oil and and
reblend the egg gunk. This will homogenize like normal. Of course,
you have to add the oil back again. Shucks! But it beats losing
three eggs and 2 cups of oil.
Liz, CD
Cold & flu medicine
From: "dan davis"
To: <scd-list@longisland.com>
Dear 'Bike',
Try the following...this REALLY WORKS for me:
Make yourself some ginger tea;
-peel some ginger root & grate it
-put about 1 tsp. in a cup and pour boiling water
(if you have a tea ball use that)
-let it steep for at least 15 min., covered
-strain, squeeze 1/4 lemon into it & drink
-drink 3-4 cups per day
Take some garlic;
-Chop a clove of raw garlic up fine & take on
a spoon,
a bit at a time, without chewing it. Wash it down
warm water ( or ginger tea).
-Eat some fruit or yogurt afterwards.
-Take this on an empty stomach. (3-4 cloves per day)
Hope you feel better soon!
mayonaise / honey / mustard
Honey Mustard
Here is one of my favorite Honey Mustard dressing recipes
modified for
SCD. Hope you like it, I do.
- 1c. mayo.
- 1/4c. honey
- 1/4c. mustard
- 1/4c. vegetable
- 3/4teaspoons cider
- pinch of red pepper
(1/8 teaspoon onion salt - may contain starch so you may not
want to use
it. I don't think it alters the taste that much. The original
included it so I thought I'd write it anyway).
Mix with a whisk. Discard when the oil starts to separate. About
Thank you all for responding to my post. It helps to talk to
people who are at the same spot. (or stuck at the same spot,
I should say.) I am going to try to add in some cooked fruit,
etc. Can't wait!
Anne Henegar
- 1 cup red wine
- 1-1/2 cup sweet
grape wine (make sure it's naturally sweet, with no added sugar,
or add your own SCD-legal sweetener, e.g. honey, to dry SCD-legal
In a heavy saucepan,
combine vinegar and wine. Bring to a boil over high heat;
reduce heat and cook until reduced to about 1/2 cup, approximately
30 minutes. Transfer to jar. Cool and store in refrigerator.
carrot / orange / ginger
Carrot Puree with Ginger and Orange
I just wanted to
post a recipe that I was just given. I tasted a tiny bit of
this (non SCD) and it was great, but I haven't tried the SCD
legal version yet:
- 3 pounds carrots,
peeled cut into 1/2 inch rounds
- 2 Tbls honey
- 1/3 cup fresh orange
- 1/2 cup butter,
cut into pieces, room temperature
- 1 1/2 tblsp minced
peeled fresh ginger
- 1 tblsp grated
orange peel
- 1 tblsp fresh lemon
Cook carrots and
3 tblsp sugar (1 1/2 tblsp honey?) in large pot of boiling
salted water until carrots are very tender, about 25 min.
Drain well.
Return carrots to same pot; stir over medium heat until any
excess moisture evaporates.
Meanwhile, bring orange juice to simmer in heavy small saucepan
over medium heat. Add butter, ginger and orange peel; whisk
until butter melts. Whisk in lemon juice and remaining honey.
Puree half of carrots
and half of juice mixture in processor until smooth. Transfer
to large bowl. Repeat with remaining carrots and juice mixture.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Can be prepared 1 day
ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm carrots in microwave
oven on high about 4 minutes or rewarm in saucepan over medium-low
heat, stirring frequently.)
everyone -- As promised, Here is an Indian recipe that is
fab and is in keeping with the SCD diet. If this inspires
any of you to puruse additional recipes, two great authors
are Madhur Jaffrey and Julei Sahni.