Below you'll find some of the recipes that members of the SCD mailing list
have mailed to one another.... If there is any contradiction between instructions
in Breaking the Vicious Cycle and any recipe in these archives, kindly adhere
to what the book states.

beef marrow / vegetables
- 1 package beef
marrow (soup) bones (approx. 4 or 5 cut up pieces)
- 1 leek
- 1 turnip
- 1 celery stalk
- other vegetables/herbs
you like
- salt to taste
- 1/2 - 1/2 cup
- 8 -12 cups water
Saute bones in a little bit of oil or 1/2 cup of previous
batch broth.
Chop up vegetables and add to bones. Pour vinegar onto bone
marrows. This softens the marrow and allows it to disintegrate
into the broth.
Add water and salt.
Simmer on medium for a half hour, then on low for three hours.
Stir occasionally and check to see that marrow is leaving
Let sit in regrigerator over night and skim off fat.
Have a cupful when tired/hungry.
According to folk wisdom, one cup has as much calcium as a
quart of milk!
in Maryland
If you make the chicken soup in the book AND cook it for 3
hours, according
to Elaine, the same is true about the calcium.
Cut off excess fat and skin from a whole chicken, being sure to
leave some skin for flavor. Place the chicken in a pot and add
2 quarts water. Additional, but optional, flavorings include:
a head of garlic with the top sliced off, 1/2 onion, 1 sprig of
thyme or oregano, 1/2 cup dry white wine and 1 teaspoon salt.
to a boil, reduce heat, partially cover and gently simmer 1 1/2
to 2 hours. Strain. You can cook the broth the day before it will
be needed. Let broth cool, then cover and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, remove most of the congealed fat on top, leaving
a tiny bit for flavor. Yields about 6 cups.
Cup: 25 calories, 3 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat (0 g
saturated), 0 mg. cholesterol, 3 mg sodium, 0 g fiber.
Split Pea Soup
Soak 2.25 cups (1 lb) dry split peas for 8-20 hours. Pour
off water and rinse well with fresh water.
In a Dutch oven or large pot combine the prepared peas
- 2 medium carrots
- 2 chopped turnips
- 1 medium onion
- 1.5 lb meaty
ham bone or equivalent cubed ham (SCD approved of course)
- 0.5 tsp pepper
- 0.5 tsp dried
- 6-7 cups cold
Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer for 1 hour.
Stir occasionally and allow to simmer for at least
another 30 minutes before serving. If you use a ham
bone you will need to remove the meat from the bone
before serving.
Serves 6-8
assorted vegetables / spices
Thom Yam Thai Soup
Categories: Chicken, Soups, Thai
Yield: 6 servings
- 2 Lemon grass stalk
- 3 T ginger; sliced
- 4 Garlic cloves
- 3 Peppercorns
- 7 Coriander roots
- 23 Shallots
- 4 cup Coconut milk,
- 1 lb Chicken, white;
- 5 red chilies (prik
khee-nu); minced
- 4 T Nam pla (fish
- 4 T Lime juice
- 5 Krapau leaf; shredded
(basil leaves)
- 3 Cilantro sprig;
Wash lemon grass and trim root ends and tough layers. Slice
bottom 6 inches thinly. Chop 1 T. of this. Puree chopped lemon
grass, 1 T. of sliced ginger, garlic, peppercorns, coriander
roots and shallots.
Bring 1 cup of coconut milk to boil and add lemon grass mixture.
While stirring, reduce heat to medium and add chicken, remaining
coconut milk, ginger slices and lemon grass. Bring to boil,
reduce heat, and simmer uncovered until chicken is tender. Season
with chilies, fish sauce and lime juice. Decorate servings with
lime leaves and coriander sprigs.
To make coconut milk: Blend 2 cups fresh or frozen grated coconut
with water. Strain through double cheesecloth, pressing out
all liquid.
This is thick coconut milk. To get hin milk, add warm water
to residue from first straining. Let stand 5 minutes, then press
as before.
For coconut cream, refrigerate first pressing and cream will
rise to top. Refrigerate or freeze. Two cups coconut makes 3
cups thick milk, of which 6 tablespoons is cream.
Mexican: Incredibly Delicious Guacamole Soup
you like Mexican food (so do I), .... This recipe appeared in
the paper this week. I tried it last night, along with roasted
tomatoe halves on the side. Heaven.
- 6 cups homemade
chicken broth (your own favorite recipe, or use recipe below)
- 2 perfectly ripe
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 lime + lime wedges
- 1 cup shredded,
cooked chicken breast
- about 1/2 cup chopped
cilantro leaves
bringing the broth to a boil while you prepare the avocados.
Cut avocados in half, remove pits and scoop out each half
into a shallow soup bowl. Mash roughly with a fork as though
you were making guacAmole. Sprinkle each with a little salt
and lime juice; blend well. Pour 1 1/2 cups of the scalding-hot
broth into each bowl. Add 1/4 cup shredded chicken and 2 tablespoons
cilantro to each. Serve immediately. Pass lime wedges at the
table. Serves 4.
Per serving: 260
calories, 18 g. protein, 11 g. carbohydrate, 18 g. fat(3 g.
saturated) 31 mg cholesterol, 574 mg soldium, 5 g fiber.
Note: I sliced
a little more chicken into my bowl as this was my main course
and ate 1/2 of the recipe.
Bon appetit!
Soup with Cinnamon, Cumin and Yogurt
This recipe appeared in the paper yesterday and I tried it
today...wonderful. I added pieces of left-over chicken when
I added the
- 1 pound trimmed
- 3 cups or so homemade
chicken stock
- 1 tbsp. butter
- 2/3 cup chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground
- 1/2 cup homemade
- minced fresh cilentro
(I used dried)
- salt to taste
- lime or lemon wedges
if served cold
Chop zucchini in large chunks and put in small soup pot. Add
chicken broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer, covered,
about 10 minutes (until zucchini are very tender.)
Meanwhile, heat butter in a small, non-stick frying pan. Add
onion, cumin and cinnamon, and saute until onion is soft and
spices are fragrant.
Put both mixtures into a food processor or blender. Puree until
smooth, but do not sieve. Add yogurt (and chicken, if desired).
Serve hot or chilled, sprinkled with cilentro, if use fresh.
If use dried, put in with cumin and cinnamon when sauteeing
onion. May wait to add salt at table, individually.
Serves 4 as a first course, or 2 as an entree.
Bon appitit!
Carrot Ginger Soup
Another mouth-watering recipe I recently made up:
In a large pot, saute a few cloves of garlic and a chopped onion
in olive oil, then add 2 cups water and about half of a butternut
squash (chopped). While this is cooking, add a pound of peeled,
chopped organic carrots and about fifteen thin slices of peeled
fresh ginger. Add salt to taste...some pepper...and a few shakes
of cinnamon (no more).
Allow to cook for at least twenty minutes. Then blend the entire
mixture in a food processor or blender until smooth.
If necessary add some boiled water while blending to get the desired
consistency, but be careful not to use too much water. This soup
is a puree...a thick and creamy soup.
Add a dab of butter to the bowl if you like, and mix before serving.
Tomato Garlic Soup
("warms you from the inside out!")
(*and Grilled Eggplant)
Blanche twenty plum tomatoes. Set aside.
Lightly saute six cloves garlic in three tablespoons olive oil.
Add pureed tomatoes to pan. Add a heaping tsp of dried basil (lots
of fresh basil in summer would be luscious). Saute for several
more minutes. Remove from pan. If you have them on hand, grilled,
peeled eggplant slices thicken the soup nicely. Add several slices
of the eggplant to the blend. Add salt and black pepper. Puree
with small amounts of water. This is a thick and hearty soup.
Serve sprinkled with parmesan cheese and fresh parsley.
*To prepare the eggplant, which also makes a nice appetizer the
night before the soup, slice eggplant a quarter inch thick, salt
lightly, let sit fifteen minutes, then pat with paper towels to
absorb excess water. Put in 375 F (200 C) oven for fifteen to
twenty minutes. Marinate for several hours in a drizzle of olive
oil, a few cloves of crushed garlic, and several tablespoons of
lemon juice. Sprinkle liberally with fresh parsley before serving.
Serve with freshly ground black pepper.
- 2 eggs, separated
- dash salt
- 1 tsp grated lemon
- 1/4 lb ground almonds
Beat egg yolks
and add ground almonds, salt and lemon rind. Mix. Fold in
stiffly beaten egg whites. Heat oil 1 inch deep in skillet.
Drop batter by teaspoonful into skillet and fry until golden
brown. Drain on brown paper. Serve in soup.
For those of you
who miss balsamic vinegar, here's a recipe for making your
own SCD version, from the April 1999 issue of "The Jewish
Homemaker" magazine (incorporating the Kosher Food Guide
from Organized Kashrus Laboratories, known as the "O-K"
in the kosher-observant world) <http://ok.org/homemaker/>
3 eggs
- 1 tsp water
- 1 tsp salt (sounds
like a bit much, don't you think?)
Heat lightly greased
frying pan and spread with a thin coat of mixture. Flip out
on towel and roll 5 of these egg leaves tightly together.
Slice into thin noodles. Serve hot in chicken soup.
...I have a neato
Maxim crepe maker - just dip it into the batter and peel off
the crepe/noodle in a minute or two. I highly recommend it!