Below you'll find some of the dessert recipes that members of the SCD mailing
list have mailed to one another.... If there is any contradiction between
instructions in Breaking the Vicious Cycle and any recipe in these archives,
kindly adhere to what the book states.

/ pancakes / custard / ice cream |
I really
like this & so does one of my daughters:
- 1 small banana
- 1/2 cup yogurt
- 1/2 cup peanut
butter, natural style
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- pinch salt, optional
Combine all ingredients
in a blender. Process on low then high speed until smooth.
Pour into serving dishes and refrigerate. Serve cold.
Good luck with
the diet,
Diane (CD)
Banana Hotcakes with Orange Honey Sauce
(can be a dessert or breakfast)
Orange Honey Sauce
- 1 cup honey
- Juice of one orange
- zest (grated rind)
of one orange
Place all ingredients in saucepan and simmer till thickened
to syrup consistency. Put through fine seive. Serve warm.
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp. oil
- 1 tbs. homemade
yogurt (this can be optional)
- small pinch baking
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup
almond flour(adjusted)
- 1/2 sliced banana
Whisk first 3 ingreds. add next 2 and just combine till pancake
batter-like(if too thin add almond flour, if too thick add little
more yogurt or water). Pour onto hot, greased griddle, place
sliced bananas on top. Cook 2 mins. on first side(peek under
edge for browness) flip and cook two minutes more. Butter and
pour orange honey sauce on top.
Good Luck and yummy eating.
ruth <callahan@webspan.net>
To: SCD-list@longisland.com
Subject: Re:Syrups
/ Can someone post "DAN'S nut pancakes"
In French baking I think they call these "simple syrups".
They can be used to drizzle on our nut flour muffins. French baking
uses them to decorate dessert cakes, fruit and the plate. These
syrups are so delicious on poached pears. yummy
If your
really in the mood for a treat mix these simple syrups with butter.
And try on "Dan's" nut pancakes (see below). Sometimes
I dream about the nut pancakes with strawberry butter.
This is the only
receipe I have for Dan's pancakes. They are delicious. I usually
half the receipe unless some of my family members are sharing
with me. While I am cooking my pancakes, I put honey and a little
butter in a cup and warm it in microwave. That is what I have
been using for syrup. I need to try the new syrup receipes also.
- 2 (very) ripe bananas
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup nut flour
- 1/8 tsp baking
- Mash bananas
in a large bowl with a fork until well mushed
- Add theeggs and mix all together
- Blend it the other items, mixing well
- Use large frypan with stove element set to medium heat (setting
- Put some butter in pan to prevent sticking
- Using a spoon, place about four piles in pan (not one large
- After the first batch is done, turn element down to setting
3-4 to prevent burning.
- Always use more butter before each batch... just enough
to cover pan
Makes about 16 small pancakes -- which I can eat all by myself
Nancy's Pancakes
This isn't the exact recipe - it's one I adapted from two
or three other SCD pancake recipes. I love it.
per person:
- 3/4 cup almond
- 1 egg
- 1/3 tsp baking
- 1/4 - 1/3 cup yogurt
- 1 T butter (melted)
Mix all ingredients - add a little water or a little more yogurt
to reach batter consistency, but leave it fairly thick. If it's
thin the pancakes are hard to turn. Fry as pancakes. Turn carefully,
making sure they are starting to cook through on the edges before
turning. (They are tender, and can be hard to turn.) I've also
made them with no yogurt and just enough water to make batter
consistency. Not quite as good as with the yogurt, but still
tasty.) Use hot honey syrup.
Nut Flour / Cheese Pancakes
isn't exactly bread or very sweet, but it will be a change. I
adapted it from a recipe in the Dr Atkinson's Diet book:
- 1 cup DCCC
- 6 eggs
- 3 tablespoons melted
Mix in a blender
and cook like pancakes.
I make them very
thin like blintzes, then roll them up with more DCCC in the
Cheese Pancakes
When you get your flour, here's how to make the cheese pancakes
Original recipe:
- 1 cup DCCC
- 6 eggs
- 2 - 3 tblspoons
metled butter
Add to this:
- about 1/2 cup fine
nut flour (The flour I ground myself was too corse)
- a little hunny
(about a tablespoon or so)
Mix in a blender. These are a lot like real pancakes. You can
still make then pretty thin for blintzes if you spread it around
in the pan. They taste a LOT better this way.
I hope the flour makes you as happy as it made me. Now I just
need more time to bake : )
- 1/2 cup nut flour
- 1 egg
- 3 tbsp water (add
more if necessary to get desired pancake thickness)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp honey
- 1/8 tsp baking
Beat ingredients in a bowl until well blended. Pour batter into
preheated pan that uses olive oil for cooking it. Use low heat
as the batter tends to brown quickly, but make sure cooked all
the way through. For crispy edges, use little extra oil after
- 2 cup almond flour,
- 1 tsp baking soda,
- 1 egg, or *egg
white sub
- *(Dissolve 2 TBLS.
plain gelatin in 2 Tbls. water.)
whip again-
- 1/3 cup homemade
- salt and a little
honey are opt.
Bake/Fry: in hot skillet.
**Add 1/3 cup oil to make waffles.
If better thicken add water as you go.
Double the recipe, These freeze well.this can be used as bread.
Don't cry, Don't pout, Don't do without;
Add cooked pumpkin, apple or spices for variety.
Experiment: until you get it right
Have a good one,
in OH
in that "Sweet and Sugarfree" fruit-based dessert cookbook
that I mentioned before, I found plenty of SCD stuff. Of course
I had to skip the cake (flour), cookie (flour), custard (milk)
and muffin (flour) chapters (so far), but there's still plenty
more to work with. Here are some pancake syrups, to start:
Apricot Syrup
Combine one cup chopped dried apricots and one cup water in a
small saucepan, bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes, covered.
Cool; whip contents in a blender. Add about 1 1/2 cups water or
enough to reach syrup consistency. Store refrigerated. Yields
3 cups.
Currant Syrup
Combine one cup currants with one cup water in a small saucepan,
bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes, covered. Cool; whip
in a blender. Store refrigerated. Yields 1 cup.
Date Syrup
Combine one cup pitted dates and one cup water in a small saucepan,
bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes, covered. Cool and whip
contents in a blender. Add about 3/4 cup water or enough to
reach syrup consistency. Store refrigerated. Yields 2 cups.
Fig Syrup
Combine one cup figs and one cup water in a small saucepan,
bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes, covered. Cool and whip
contents in a blender. Add one cup water or enough water to
reach syrup consistency. Store refrigerated. Yields 2 1/2 cups.
Pineapple Syrup
Combine one cup dried pineapple and one cup water in a small
saucepan, bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes, covered. Cool
and whip contents in a blender. Add about one cup water or enough
to reach syrup consistency. Store refrigerated. Yields 2 1/2
Raisin Syrup
Combine one cup raisins and one cup water in a small saucepan,
bring to a boil, and simmer 20 minutes. Cool and whip contents
in a blender. Add about 1/4 cup water or enough to reach syrup
consistency. Store refrigerated. Yields 1 1/3 cups.
To Make Sweeter Syrup:
Substitute unsweetened fruit juice for water in the above recipes.
To Serve:
Heat syrup in a covered saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally,
until warm. Spoon generously over pancakes.
Lemme know if you
want more dessert recipes...
banana / yogurt / peanut butter
Peanut Butter Pudding
It's really good & has bananas in it too.
- 1 small ripe banana
- 1/2 C. yogurt
- 1/2 C. peanut butter
- 1/4 tsp Vanilla
- pinch salt, optional
Mix in blender until smooth, pour into dishes & refrigerate.
Serve cold.
I guess you could try less peanut butter & more bananas...
- 1 1/3 cups whole
sultanas (golden seedless raisins, or substitute all natural
California dates)
- 1 1/3 cups minced
- 1 1/3 cups large
seeded raisins, minced
- 1/2 cup whole seeded
- 16 giant prunes,
soaked for 2 days until soft, then pitted and minced.
- 1 cup walnuts and
almonds, finely chopped
- 1 cup prune juice
(from soaking prunes)
- juice of i large
orange and some grated organic orange rind
- 2 cups almond or
hazelnut flour
- 1/2 cup whisky
(rye, Scotch or bourbon)
- 2 egg yolks, well
- 1 tsp of ground
mixed spice (optional)
Place all the ingredients
in a large mixing bowl and mix well together. Grease a 1 1/2
litre (2 1/2 pints or 6 1/4 cups) pudding basin and transfer
the mixture into it. Cover well with buttered greaseproof
(waxed) paper and an outer covering of foil. Steam for i hour.
To serve, turn out careful onto a warmed serving dish and
decorate with a sprig of berried holly. The pudding can be
accompanied with whipped French cream (page 134 BVC) flavoured
with whisky. Freezing: If prepared and cooked in advance,
this pudding will freeze for up to 6 weeks. Allow to thaw
out gradually then steam gently for 45 minutes.
Something fattening for Christine's mom
If anyone has any other recipe for something sweet and high calorie
>(I'm trying to put some weight on her), please post it!
I would suggest making the custard recipe in the book, using half
and half yogurt instead of the dccc. It's really delicious.
are the basic quantities:
Strawberry Cashew Popsicles
- About 8 strawberries
- 2 cups raw cashews
- 1 or 2 bananas
- honey
- water
First, make cashew
milk by grinding nuts into a very fine flour (I find a coffee
grinder works great!) and add water (about 2 cups) The mixture
shouldn't be too thick or too thin . . . you may need to adjust
the amount of water to nuts in order to achieve a desirable
consistency. Put the cashew milk an air tight container and
let stand in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, stir.
In the blender, mix a little cashew milk, strawberries, bananas,
and honey to sweeten. Pour into Popsicle containers and freeze.
These truly are a delicious and nutritious snack for everyone
in the family to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
Cathy Y.
I had
this at lunch today, and enjoyed it so much that I thought I'd
strawberry / apple / (peach)
Here is the first
one I tried and which he loves. However, strawberries are not
in season here and I hope you can get some that are not too
- 12 cups prepared
strawberries (about 4 quarts)
- 5 tart green apples
(peeled cored and chopped)
- 16 ounces natural
apple cider
Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Bring to a boil(stirring
occassionnally) Boil gently for 45 mintes (stir 0ften) or until
it is of spreading consistency)
Ladle mixture in
hot sterilized jars ( I use1/2 pint jars)
Place in hot water bath and boil jars for 5 minutes.
Remove. Cool 24 hours.
Hope it works for
you. I also do the same thing with peaches.
(serves 4)
- 13 oz. ripe peaches
- 1/2 cup dry white
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- 2 egg whites
Nick the stalk
end of each peach. Plunge into a bowl of boiling water for
45 seconds, then slide off the skins. Halve the fruit, removing
the pits, and chop the flesh roughly.
Put the peach flesh into a pan with the dry white wine and
orange juice. Simmer gently for 5 minutes.
Blend the cooked peaches, wine and orange liquid in a food
processor or blender until smooth. Leave to cool.
Pour into a shallow freezer-proof container and freeze until
the granita is slushy around the edges. Tip into a bowl and
break up the ice crystals. Whisk the egg whites until stiff
but not dry. Fold them lightly but thoroughly into the partly
frozen granita, then return to the container and freeze once
again until firm. Garnish with sliced peaches.
Serve in glasses.
Take care,
Granny Smith Apple Sauce (serves:
- 2 lb. Granny Smith
- honey to sweeten
- 2 Tbs. Fresh lemon
- quarter tsp. Nutmeg
- 1 cup water
- quarter tsp. Vanilla
- quarter tsp. Cinnamon
Pare, core and
cut apples into bite - size pieces. Put them in a large heavy
pot. Add lemon juice and water. Mix well. Bring to boil, cover,
and simmer gently until apples are soft. Remove from heat.
Add cinnamon and honey.
Mix well with wooden spoon (metal may darken the sauce).
A recipe to spice up
an evening:
Saute some raisins
in a little bourbon
Peel a pear, slice in half lengthwise and scoop out the core
Sprinkle it with lemon juice
Grease a pan with butter
Place the raisins in the scooped out core and place this face
down on pan
A little bit of butter on top
Bake 350 degrees F (180 C) for 1/2 hour
Serve with yogurt
Hope someone likes
Dried Fruit Sweetmeats
From "The Kosher for Pesach Cookbook", a project of
the Yeshivat Aish HaTorah Women's Organization:
came from a friend of mine:
Coconut Ice Cream
I make a great ice cream using about 3 cups coconut milk, 2 eggs,
honey, and vanilla. Cook about 10 min. over low-med heat. Then
I add a generous grating of nutmeg, a bit of burbon (so the freezing
texture isn't rock solid), and some hazlenuts I previously roasted
in a small quantity of oil. My daughter loves it!
Eileen Feim
Banana Smoothies
Shall I bare all and reveal my horded stash of frozen bananas?
That's right, whenever I come across organic bananas, I buy bunches
of 'em and bring 'em home to ripen until they're almost dead.
Then, when they're so ripe as to be nearly inedible, I peel 'em
and freeze 'em. That way I have a constant supply ready to grab
from the freezer and throw into the blender w/ yogurt, honey,
and ice cubes.
Strawberry Fluff
More treats from
"The Kosher for Pesach Cookbook", a project of the Yeshivat
Aish HaTorah Women's Organization:
Denah's Super Duper Fruit Ices
Vella's Strawberry Sherbet
Delicious Pareve (non-dairy) Ice Cream
- 6 eggs, separated
- 1/3-1/2 cup honey
- 1 T SCD legal vanilla
- 1 T coffee
Beat yolks with
honey, very, very well in mixer. Add vanilla and coffee and
beat again. Beat whites stiff. Fold into yolks. Freeze for
1 1/2 hours. Take out, mix again to blend and refreeze.